1. it is useful to find out if the problem happens due to a T.38 reINVITE or with all reINVITEs. You could easily test this by just putting a call on-hold, and back off-hold (e.g. by pressing the line button in Xlite) and verify if audio works again.
more inline ...
Am 14.04.2010 11:28, schrieb Espen Berg:
Hello all!
I finally have something that I could call a working config (almost that is), the proxy works fine with voice and fax sent over g.711 (but I guess re-invites will cause problems in this scenario also). The problem occurs when I try to switch to T.38. Since it works with voice my guess is that the problem is caused by the re-invite to t.38. I guess it has to be solved by a if (loose_route()) section, but I am little bit clueless right now, I have tried multiple variants but with no success.
RTP proxy is started with the -l flag to distinguish between local and public traffic. -l PUBLIC.IP.ETH0/LOCAL.IP.ETH1
I would reverse the interfaces as the first interface corresponds with the "internal" interface and the second with the "external". See 'ie' flags at http://sip-router.org/docbook/sip-router/branch/master/modules_k/nathelper/n...
When a call is routed from local IP to public IP I would like to name it internal-to-external, hence 'ie' flags instead of 'ei', but that s just a matter of naming and shouldn't cause problems.
The setup: Sonus UAC/Trunk <-private ip-> (eth1)Kamailio/RTPProxy(eth0) <-public ip-> Asterisk
IP.TO.TRUNK = Sonus IP, public address range, but only reachable by private net (from the range of LOCAL.IP.ETH1).
LOCAL.IP.ETH1 = Local net, static route to IP.TO.TRUNK. PUBLIC.IP.ETH0 = Public routable address. IP.TO.ASTERISK = Public routable address.
The purpose of Kamailio/RTPProxy are to proxy everything between the routable and the private net.
Does anyone here have any idea of how I'm going to solve my issue? It would also be nice if anyone here have better solutions to my approach, and there could also be some other errors in my config that causes this behaviour.
####### Routing ########
route {
if (msg:len >= 2048) { sl_send_reply("513", "Message too big"); exit; }
if (method != "INVITE" && method != "ACK" && method != "BYE" && method != "CANCEL") { sl_send_reply("503", "Service Unavailable"); exit; }
if (!has_totag()) { record_route(); route("1"); }
if (has_totag()) { if (!loose_route()) { if (t_check_trans()) { t_relay(); exit; } exit; } }
That's strange. You shouldn't allow requests with totag but without loose-routing. But that's not related to your problem.
if (has_body("application/sdp")) { if (method == "INVITE") { route("2"); t_on_reply("2"); } else if (method == "ACK") { rtpproxy_answer(); } } else if (method == "INVITE") { t_on_reply("2"); }
if (method == "BYE" || method == "CANCEL") { unforce_rtp_proxy(); }
t_relay(); }
#RELAY BY SOURCE ROUTE route[1] { if (src_ip == "IP.TO.TRUNK" || dst_ip == "LOCAL.IP.ETH1") { force_send_socket("PUBLIC.IP.ETH0"); rewritehost("IP.TO.ASTERISK"); } else { force_send_socket("LOCAL.IP.ETH1"); rewritehost("IP.TO.TRUNK"); } }
# RTP OFFER ROUTE route[2] { if (src_ip == "IP.TO.TRUNK" || dst_ip == "LOCAL.IP.ETH1") force_rtp_proxy("eir"); else force_rtp_proxy("ier"); }
# RTP OFFER ONREPLY onreply_route[1] { if (has_body("application/sdp")) route("2"); }
# RTP ANSWER ONREPLY onreply_route[2] { if (has_body("application/sdp")) route("2");
Sorry for the long post, but I hope someone outthere are able to help med with this issue.
IMO the config is a bit strange but I couldn't spot an error.
Trace the scenario with ngrep and take a look at the SDPs if they are rewritten properly.
regards klaus