On Mar 28, 2010 at 11:57, Juha Heinanen <jh(a)tutpro.com> wrote:
first section of page
had example
that, however, produced syntax error. i removed the dot and got rid of
the error. i then went and fixed the wiki page too.
however, later on the page there still is
This is equivalent to @msg[%s] (so there is no error in this case).
E.g. @msg["P-Foo"] is equivalent with @msg.P-Foo.
and many more like that. are they generated automatically? if so, then
fixing them on the wiki page would not help.
No, that page is not generated automatically.
You can find the list with all the selects, auto-generated from the code
also, is there somewhere a summary of pv syntax of s and k flavors?
If you mean differences between selects & pv, then no.
The selects are documented in 3 places:
http://sip-router.org/wiki/cookbooks/selects/devel (contains the above 2