Hello All!
2013/7/18 Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com:
anyone here having any experience with makeann tool from rtpproxy? If yes, can you share details of the input audio file (e.g., its format, sampling, etc.)?
Raw PCM file, 16 bit, mono 8khz. Actually that's a WAV-file w/o first 44 bytes (wav header).
Also, anyone knowing the dependencies to be able to make g729 encodings? From the source file is not clear what external lib it depends on.
Download and install bcg729 first:
* http://www.linphone.org/eng/documentation/dev/bcg729.html
Now download and build rtpproxy either from this repo (branch bcg729):
* https://github.com/lemenkov/rtpproxy/
Or just apply the following patch on top of the master:
* https://github.com/lemenkov/rtpproxy/commit/321bc23
Don't know how to build it with IPP library, but bcg729 is fully compatible G.729a codec. -- With best regards, Peter Lemenkov.