try to type http://localhost/serweb/
fay butt wrote:
hi Karel, thanx 4 your response. But still i have the same problem, when i type the "Pear install db" it gives the messege "Package 'DB' already installed, skipping" .
My serweb directory is at the path /var/www/html/serweb in fedoracore4, when i type http://localhost/users in the browser , i get's this messege. "The requested URL /users was not found on this server." even i configured the ./config file.according to instructions. If i makes any file with .php extension and puts that file in the html root it works properly....I am surprised...plz hep me solve this problem... M.F.B
*/Karel Kozlik* wrote:
PEAR is extension repository for php. See Yes you have to install it. I don't know the how-to bellow, but it seems very obsoleted. Why you do not follow oficial installing instructions included in serweb in INSTALL file? And please use mailing list for next questions. Karel fay butt napsal(a): > hi, > sorry, I don't know exectly what is peer?...I have to install it > seperatly?...i just followed these instructions..... you can check what > paths i am using...thanx again > > > Step by Step Installation of WEBSER on RedHad Fedora Core 1 > > When the original distribution is installed the directory locations do > not match up with the typical apache file locations. These notes > document all the changes needed. SUGGESTION: For the Tutorial we should > develop a new install TAR so delegates do not spend 30 minutes editing > all the files. > > > * Get the TAR, un-tar and place the files in the right directory > o > from SER or from this server > > o > untar > *tar -xvzf serweb_2004-01-04.tar.gz* > o change directory to where the files were untared to > *cd serweb_2004-01-04* > o > Create the directory and move the files there > *mkdir /var/www/phplib > chown root /var/www/phplib > chgrp root /var/www/phplib > chmod 755 /var/www/phplib > cp ./phplib/* /var/www/phplib/ -R * > o > # Move the html files to the DocumentRoot directory > *mkdir /var/www/html/serweb/ > chown apache /var/www/html/serweb/ > chgrp root /var/www/html/serweb/ > chmod 755 /var/www/html/serweb/ > cp ./html/* /var/www/html/serweb -R* > * edit these lines in */etc/php.ini* > and change short_open_tag = Off" to "On" > and change register_globals = Off" to "On" > * > Create these files as part of the serweb module. > vi /var/www/html/serweb/prolog.html > AARNet SER SIP Server > > vi /var/www/html/serweb/separator.html > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > vi /var/www/html/serweb/epilog.html > End of page text > * ALL the files that follw are with respect to /var/www/html/serweb > cd /var/www/html/serweb > > * edit these lines in ./config.php > > In general replace all with > > #If you have changed the mysql username, dbname or password you > need to change these: > $this->db_name="ser"; //database name > $this->db_user="ser"; //database conection user > $this->db_pass="heslo"; //database conection password > # NOTE: The above relate to the mysql database, see > /usr/sbin/ > > $this->root_path="/serweb/"; > #The above must match where the serweb html directory is put > > this->user_pages_path = this->root_path."user*_interface*/"; > > $this->prolog="/serweb/prolog.html"; > $this->separator="/serweb/separator.html"; > $this->epilog="/serweb/epilog.html"; > # /* email address for questions concerning registration */ > > $this->root_uri.$this->root_path."user*_interface*/my_account.php?#session#\n\n". > $this->root_uri.$this->root_path."user_*interface*/reg/confirmation.php?nr=#confirm#\n\n". > > > # There is heaps more to customise in this file which we will > leave to the user. These include more email references > # and text used in emails to users who register. Here are some > example which do not need to be changed for this tutorial: > $this->mail_header_from=""; > $this->web_contact=""; > $this->title="The AARNet IP Telephony Site"; > $this->infomail = ""; > $this->regmail = ""; > > > * Edit /var/www/phplib/ > # You need to add the following to /* public: connection parameters */ > var $Host = ""; > var $Database = "ser"; > var $User = "ser"; > var $Password = "heslo"; > > The follwoing changes can be applied two ways: > 1. Get and extract this tar file > get the file fixupserwebphp.tar > > from this server > put it in the directory /usr/local/src/ser > issue these commands > cd /var/www/html/serweb > tar -xvf fixupserwebphp.tar > *OR* > 2. Manualy make all these changes > Generaly you have to add "../" to all these files so that they point > correctly to where the phplib is. > > * > Edit ./admin/prepend.php > # change $_PHPLIB["libdir"] = "*../*../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./user_interface/prepend.php > # change $_PHPLIB["libdir"] = "*../*../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./user_interface/reg/prepend.php > # change $_PHPLIB["libdir"] = "*../*../../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./admin/acl.php > # change require "*../*../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./admin/index.php > # require "*../*../../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./admin/users.php > # require "*../*../../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./user_interface/accounting.php > # require "*../*../../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./user_interface/find_user.php > # require "*../*../../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./user_interface/index.php > # require "*../*../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./user_interface/missed_calls.php > # require "*../*../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./user_interface/my_account.php > # require "*../*../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./user_interface/phonebook.php > # require "*../*../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./user_interface/send_im.php > # require "*../*../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./user_interface/notification_subscription.php > # require "*../*../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./user_interface/reg/finish.php > # require "*../*../../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./user_interface/reg/get_pass.php > # require "*../*../../../phplib/"; > * Edit ./user_interface/reg/index.php > # require "*../*../../../phplib/"; > > > LAST STEP: START APACHE > /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start > > Plz, help me about that.... > Best regards > > > > > > */Karel Kozlik /* wrote: > > > > > What kind of errors are you facing? Me, I am having trouble finding > > DB.php (this file comes with PEAR). > > Hi, > it seems PEAR is not installed correctly. Check the 'include_path' > directive in your php.ini if contain path to dir where PEAR is > installled. > > Karel > > > _______________________________________________ > Serusers mailing list > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. > > PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.
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