the documentation for tm.t_newtran() says „This is the only way a script can add a new
transaction in an atomic way.“ Moreover tm.t_send_reply()
“creates the transaction if it does not exist (executing internally t_newtran()) and sends
a stateful reply (executing internally t_reply())”. This
means that only t_newtrans() and t_send_reply() can create transactions in an atomic way.
The documentation of tm.t_relay() does not say whether the function creates a transaction.
It also does not say what happens if t_reply() is not
called after t_newtrans().
But for tm.t_set_retr() and tm.t_set_retr() is written “If the transaction is already
created (e.g called after t_relay() or in an onreply_route) …”
This suggests that tm.t_relay() does create atomically or not-atomically a transaction.
- What does it mean to create a transaction in a non-atomic way?
- Does tm.t_relay() create a transaction?