El Wednesday 10 September 2008 10:14:23 BERGANZ François escribió:
hello a problem with my CANCEL frames!
invite>>>>>>>|>>>>>>invite ringing<<<<<<|<<<<<<ringing cancel>>>>>>>|
in fact, I don't know where forward the cancel in stateless! I have no information in the frame to forward it to the right asterisk (one for g711, one for g729...)
RFC 3261
16.11 Stateless Proxy [...] Stateless proxies MUST NOT perform special processing for CANCEL requests. They are processed by the above rules as any other requests. In particular, a stateless proxy applies the same Route header field processing to CANCEL requests that it applies to any other request.
This is, if you proxy works in stateless, you must treat a CANCEL as it was a completely new INVITE. So, if you receive a CANCEL do exactly the SAME to decide the destination as if it was an INVITE. No more.