Hi Klaus,
I applied on SVN the fix for the TM memory leak - it should not happen anymore now, even if you do not use t_release()...
regarding the openser stop reacting - can you attach with gdb to see what the process are done?
regards, bogdan
Klaus Darilion wrote:
Hi Daniel!
- Without t_release() (no modifications to source code) openser leaks
- with t_release() openser does not leak. But after some time there is
strange behaviour, e.g.: -: openser stops reacting for some minutes and afterwards gets terminated with signal 9. When openser stops working the load increase to > 40. This happend 3 times now. -: openser stops reacting for some minutes and the linux PC where openser is running gets unresponsive. No login. Open SSH sessions are unresponsive. I had to reboot the PC. Happend 1 time.
Maybe this is not pure openser related, but a problem with openser and Linux (as I had to reboot the server one time).
Any hints how to debug this?
regards klaus