On 11/27/11 4:14 PM, Alex Balashov wrote:
On 11/27/2011 09:56 AM, Uri Shacked wrote:
what is the differebt when i start kamailio with the command "kamailio"
only, or using "/etc/init.d/kamailio start ?
using the first one gets me to see the log running... second one does
and with the second one i can configure the memory usage and so....
how do i make them do the same?
These parameters are in a defaults file that, depending on your
distribution, goes either in /etc/sysconfig/kamailio or
/etc/default/kamailio. It is sourced by the init script.
/etc/init.d/kamailio is just a wrapper around kamailio. As Alex said,
/etc/init.d/kamailio takes some parameters from different files (a
matter of OS distro) and passes them to kamailio as command line parameters.
You can see what parameters can be passed to kamailio via command line
with'kamailio -h' -- this will print also the path to default
configuration file.
When you simply run kamailio, it will load the default configuration
file, with no other command line parameters.
If you have different output, means that either the init.d script is
using another config file (passed with -f) or it has command line
parameters that overwrite the values from config file.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla --
Kamailio Advanced Training, Dec 5-8, Berlin:
http://linkedin.com/in/miconda --