On 04/17/2009 09:03 AM, antonroman wrote:
Thanks Daniel,
On 04/15/2009 06:01 PM, antonroman wrote:
Hi all,
I need to get the INVITE sdp audio port in a script variable to be used in an external command. Is this possible without modifying the source code? I think it can't be done with the TEXTOP module, can be?
yes, you can use re.subst transformation to get it: http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/transformations:1.5.x#re.subst_exp...
I managed to extract the port value. First I had to remove all cr and nl characters from the original content of $rb by using the re.subst transformation as many times as lines there are in the sdp, I don't know if this can be done in a smarter way with the existing transformations, anyway, it works.
IIRC, you can give flags to subst so the replacement is done globally, not only per each line.
You can add your config snippet at: http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/cfg-scripts-bank:main-index
Others can benefit/improve.
Cheers, Daniel