Günther Starnberger wrote:
On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 08:18:04PM +0200, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
yes, that's problem - for some hidden reasons, that "User-Agent: (Very nice Sip Registrar Server)" does not mirror the RR set in the 200 reply, which is violation of the RFC. The bug is in that UA and you should report it to them.
I am not sure what you mean. There aren't any Record-Route headers which are set by the Remote-Server. All the RR headers are set by OpenSER. Where exactly do you see the problem?
the RR set is built on the path of the request - any server on the path may add a RR to the request. The final UAS, when generating a 2xx reply has to mirror on the reply the entire set of RR hdrs. As the dump shows, the INVITE sent by openser to the GW has some RR hdrs, but the 200 OK generate by GW has none.
I can try to test this out with another upstream provider. If this problem is related to the 200 reply by the remote-endpoint the first problem which i described (client creds forwarded to remote-end) must have another cause as it directly occurs after the first 407 from the remote-end.
if you post a dump, I will take a look.
regards, bogdan