But... is it being considered to add functionality to rtpproxy so it can send something asynchronously to Kamailio which either sends BYEs or does something to cause the endpoints to do so? Currently, as far as I know, rtpproxy only responds to commands from nathelper; i.e. every command is initiated by nathelper who expects a response.
I ask for two reasons:
-rtpproxy is the natural place to detect RTP time-outs
-rtpproxy eventually has to support other async notifications (such as SRTP key requests, see my previous e-mail)
I agree that this would be a technically viable solution.
For my particular scenario, it is economically and practically undesirable due to the strong disincentives to proxy media.
Ok... so you're not using rtpproxy, or at least seek a solution that is not rtpproxy-dependent. Thanks.