It is quite feasible. Your question is just not very a2billing-specific; it is really a special case of how Kamailio can be used with Asterisk, since a2billing is an Asterisk-based platform.
On 11/10/2011 09:23 PM, roman dmytriv wrote:
proxy, NAT traversal, load balancing if more Asterisks are added. pretty much the role it's playing in Sipwise platform. Or this is something not technically feasible?
On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 21:15:43 -0500, Alex Balashov wrote:
On 11/10/2011 09:10 PM, roman dmytriv wrote:
for the purpose it was designed for: billing web-basad management, etc. Unless I missing something.
Well, yes, but what role do you envision Kamailio playing?
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