Hi all,
I am getting the following error when i try to call a nated ATA186 from a public ip , I am using mediaproxy.sock in my ser.conf and running the python mediproxy daemon.
any Idea about this problem thanks jeeth ------------
mediaproxy[10756]: error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel <rtphandler.CommandHandler connected '' at 0x40514eec> (exceptions.IndexError:list index out of range [/usr/local/lib/python2.3/asyncore.py|readwrite|86] [/usr/local/lib/python2.3/asyncore.py|handle_read_event|390] [/usr/local/etc/ser/mediaproxy/modules/rtphandler.py|handle_read|337] [/usr/local/etc/ser/mediaproxy/modules/rtphandler.py|handleCommand|420] [/usr/local/etc/ser/mediaproxy/modules/rtphandler.py|fillInCalledParty|817]) Jun 22 09:34:03 qorcom mediaproxy[10756]: session f71959b18872476b933d1e63ed329c05@ called signed in from 202.65.xxx.xxx:16384 (RTP) (will return to 202.65.xxx.xxx:16384)
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