On 08.03.18 13:47, José Lopes wrote:
I am using Kamailio working as edge proxy with topos module active. Kamailio is proxing requests from Freeswitch's to the SBC Metaswitch.
The Freeswitch sends SIP REGISTER requests and it is ok (Contact: <sip:1003@ http://sip:1003@>). When Freeswitch sends SIP INVITE quest, it receives a reply with Forbiden (Contact: <sip:btpsh-5aa0219a-2a32-2@ http://sip:btpsh-5aa0219a-2a32-2@>). You can check the sip trace at https://pastebin.com/raw/JZUNgYx5
I analysed this issue on SBC Metaswitch and it requires that the INVITE and REGISTER have the same Contact Header.
I know that this is not required from SIP RFC, but that it is SBC default security policy.
There is any way to configure Kamailio using topos to have the same Contact Header on INVITE and REGISTER?
topos works at dialog level, doesn't correlate a REGISTER with a call or something else. So the answer is no.
Cheers, Daniel