asd ha scritto:
2009/7/14, Nick Warr
Ok, I have another question left. I haven't tried it yet, I'm just asking if it's possible or not.
I'll install Asterisk and I'll add 7000 to it, so Asterisk will register as 7000 in Kamailio. it's possible to set outbound callerid in asterisk to 7002, even if I call out from 7000? So basically 7002 is an alias for 7000, and I would like to display 7002.
Kind regards, Dmitri
It would be better to control your RPID and P-Asserted headers in Kamailio, IMHO.
So basically like this?
if ($fu =~ "^sip:7002+@") { xlog("L_INFO", "Changing callerid\n"); uac_replace_from("$avp(s:display)",""); ... ... }
Sorry if it's sounds like a dumb question, I'm a beginner in Kamailio.
Kind regards, Dmitri
Kamailio (OpenSER) - Users mailing list
If you want to change the from user, yeah.
Callerid if done properly, should be P-Asserted/P-Preferred Identity, or Remote-Party-ID headers. If you're terminating to PSTN, or trunking, those are the proper headers to use for trustable callerid (and privacy,etc).