Hi Federico,
the usage of pseudo-variables inside the regexp was avoided due performance reasons - all regexp are compiled at startup, they being only evaluated on runtime. By having variables into regexp, the compilation of the expression will must be done each time at runtime :(.
there is only one attempt in this direction - it might help you ; see the fm operator in avp_check : http://www.openser.org/docs/modules/1.0.x/avpops.html#AEN325 or http://www.voice-system.ro/docs/avpops/ar01s06.html#avp_check
regards, bogdan
Federico Giannici wrote:
Federico Giannici wrote:
Are pseudo variables sopposed to work in replace() function?
The pseudo variables documentation web page says that they are supported only by avpops and xlog, but the OpenSER 1.0.0 announcement web page says that they are supported by textops too...
Who is right?
Looking at the examples I found that AVPs usage is supported at least on the "replacement" string of subst(), but it appears to me that it isn't supported in the regular expression.
So, how can I make a regular expression with variable content? Something like the following:
subst( "/^Proxy-Authorization:.*realm="$avp(s:realm)".*\n//i" );