I'm trying to manually build a time value to send as a db_extra field.
This seems like it should work according to the wiki example, but I'm getting a syntax error.
Script variable:
$var(reg_time) = $time(year); ### + "-" + $time(mon) + "-" + $time(mday) + " " + $time(hour) + ":" + $time(min) + ":" + $time(sec);
Error from kamailio:
ERROR:core:eval_elem: invalid numeric operands
Any suggestions?
Thanks, Matt
ps. Sorry for the multiple posts - it seems the list mailer may be stalled a bit.
On 8/5/2010 1:24 PM, SIP Projects wrote:
Using version 1.5.2.
Trying to migrate acc from db_mysql to db_flatstore to reduce io wait during heavy dialing.
However, the default time format changes from normal YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss to unixtime (I think) in flatstore. I tried using $TF but its format is even more non-standard.
Is there a way to change time format for either the default acc time field in the db_flatstore module or $TF so I can 'LOAD DATA' into mysql as datetime?
Thanks, Matt