I'd like to implement P2P presence and extension monitoring for my SIP network.
Our users register by using a numeric extension (e.g. sip:226050@wu-wien.ac.at), but most of the time, they are contacted using a user alias that looks like their email-address (e.g. sip:bergolth@wu-wien.ac.at). So the addresses stored in their buddy-lists won't be the "real"-SIP-URI of the users.
Will there be a problem if I translate those aliases on subscription, so that a user may also subscribe for the presence of a user alias?
If I rewrite SUBSCRIBE requests to use the "real" SIP-URI on subscription, the following NOTIFY messages will contain the wrong URI in the From-header and in the pidf body. But maybe this won't be a problem, since the watcher can assign it to the correct username because the NOTIFY belongs to the same dialog as the SUBSCRIBE?
Will the user agents be able to correctly assign those notifications to their contacts?
Any experiences with this?
Cheers, --leo