Hi again, Weiter. I already have "alias=the.domain.name" in my config, but its not working :(
The complete scenario is like this:
I have two SIP servers: server A and server B. I have clients registered in each server, lets call them UA1 UA2 registered on server A, and UA3 UA4 on server B. When I use ip to register the clients then I can make calls in all ways. UA1 to UA2, UA1 to UA3, and viceversa, etc... But if I use dns to register then users can call on the same server: UA1<->UA2, UA3<->UA4, but users from server A can't call to users on server B and viceversa. I have the dns registered on both servers.
Please, any idea??? Thanks, Rosa.
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2006 12:02:24 +0200 From: bp4mls@googlemail.com To: rosadesantis@hotmail.com Subject: Re: [Serusers] DNS and IP CC: serusers@iptel.org
Make sure the box where SER is running can also resolve the name to it's own IP. You can also use "alias=the.domain.name" in you config. On 10/6/06, Rosa De Santis rosadesantis@hotmail.com wrote: Hello all. Please, I have a problem using DNS or IP on the client side. When I use IP all calls are fine, but if I use the DNS of the server that point to the same IP some calls can't be done. Is there any place to configure this on ser.cfg ??? Please help. Thanks. _________________________________________________________________ Busca desde cualquier página Web con una protección excepcional. Consigue la Barra de herramientas de Windows Live hoy mismo GRATUITAMENTE. http://toolbar.live.com_______________________________________________ Serusers mailing list Serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
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