First, thanks to the developer of the openser software for their work. I will appreciate it when my configuration will be working ;)
I would like to configure sip on my server but I'm a bit lost. I've installed openser on it but I cannot have it to do what I want to do.
So this is what I want to do:
- I own a virtual server which host my domain cosinux.org . I would like to create myself a sip address dam@cosinux.org.
- I would like to be able to send/receive sip call at that address from work. My work network is firewalled, however, I have a vtun tunnel with my server.
- I would like to be able to send/receive sip call at that address from home. I have dsl at home and I can configure nat as I want to (port forwarding for example).
From what I understand, openser is used as registrar. It means
my sip client connects to it, tells him that dam@cosinux.org is online and openser then redirects call to my client. This will work from my home network if I configure nat correctly.
For my work network, I need a sip proxy so that each packet is routed by my server to my client, because others sip user agent cannot see my IP address.
If I am right, what I have to do is
- install openser on my server and tell him to handle cosinux.org sip address. - install mediaproxy to relay the sip connection from my work.
So, does this seem sensible ? Am I doing something wrong or missing something ?
Please CC me as I'm not suscribed to the list.
Thank you very much,