On 9/24/10 9:43 AM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
[...] any ideas on how to improve weighted random number calculation without loosing performance?
maybe there are other options, but here is what I did for dispatcher weighted load balancing: - each destination set has associated an array of 100 integers - when destination set is loaded, this array is filled with indexes of destination addresses in the set as many times as associated weight value - when this array is filled, the content is randomized
At runtime, a position of the last used index in array is keep, incremented and looped again over the array. During the load the 100-indexes array is traversed 2 times, once to fill and second to radomize, but then selection is very fast at runtime, which is more important for a load balancer, since loading is done very rarely and in MI/RPC process, in parallel with normal operation using old data.
Code is in modules_k/dispacher/dispatch.c, function dp_init_weights().
Cheers, Daniel