On 06.08.2009 9:30 Uhr, karhu wrote:
What i would like to do is when i am using the MI command "kamctl fifo shv_set x int 100" it set the variable shv(x) to 100 and execute straight after the code on the following bloc :
if ($shv(x) == 100){ xlog("L_INFO", "shv_set_to_100") }
the xlog line will be executed upon first sip message processed. Not at the time when you set the variable. Configuration file interpretation is triggered by incoming sip messages, not by MI commands.
You can execute a certain route by using the rtimer module. Next version, will have the feature of executing a config file route upon xmlrpc request (see sip-router.org GIT repository and the xmlrpc module in modules_s directory).
Cheers, Daniel
In a near futur i would like to send a BYE and RE-INVITE to a user when i'm setting shv(x) to 100 via MI command..