Why uri!=myself what could be the reason using "SER 0.9.3 source package for Getting Started" from Onsip.org
when i try to use port 5060 then it only work for public ip UA and dont work for nated users. But when i change port to 5069 it try to listen for nated UA but the problem is still why uri!=myself
i am using and for configuration ftp://siprouter.onsip.org/pub/gettingstarted/configs/nat-rtpproxy.3.05.cfg after lot of changes in ports
exec_msg("cat >> /tmp/call.log");
if (uri!=myself) { xlog("L_ERR","uri!=myself");
route(1); break; };
i found this
/var/log/messages -------------------------------------------------- Aug 30 21:58:09 SIP ser[10560]: uri!=myself
and /tmp/call.log -------------------------------------------------- REGISTER sip:SERPUBIP SIP/2.0 Content-Length: 0 Contact: sip:8000@;events="message-summary" Call-ID: B692E8F0-DDC4-42A7-8A87-79B8133FA79B@ Max-Forwards: 16 From: sip:8000@SERPUBIP;tag=587922581424 CSeq: 5 REGISTER To: sip:8000@SERPUBIP Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9h8001009User-Agent: SJLabs-SJphone/1.40.258
--- Samuel Osorio Calvo samuel.osorio@nl.thalesgroup.com wrote:
Don't worry, These messages comes from the startup process, when SER tries to get the PTR DNS records of the IP addresses present in the config file. These pointers map IP addresses to domain names, instead of the "standard" domain->IP mapping provided by the A|AAA DNS records.
Probably your SER instance is running, have you tried ps??
Kamran Ahmad p_kami@yahoo.com 08/30/05 10:35AM
i tried this
but it is not working
/var/log/messages Aug 30 11:12:42 SIP ser: WARNING: fix_socket_list: could not rev. resolve ip Aug 30 11:12:42 SIP ser: WARNING: fix_socket_list: could not rev. resolve ip
--- "Greger V. Teigre" greger@teigre.com wrote:
Try to Getting Started document from http://onsip.org/ You will find both a working config, as well as detailed explanation of the theory and actual commands. g-)
Kamran Ahmad wrote:
i am following this link for ser-0.9.3 but Nated Clients
are not working. Can any one please tell
what is the problem in my configuration.
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