using openser 1.3, is there a way to get a count of how many items there are
in an avp variable other than:
while ( is_avp_set("$avp(s:fork_uri)") )
$var(fork_uri_count) = $var(fork_uri_count) + 1 ;
avp_copy("$avp(s:fork_uri)", "$avp(s:fork_uri_rev_order)/d")
then if you wanted things in the same order as they were originally you
would also have to:
while ( is_avp_set("$avp(s:fork_uri_rev_order)") )
avp_copy("$avp(s:fork_uri_rev_order)", "$avp(s:fork_uri)/d")
talk about an expensive counting
Several ways I could see this implimented:
New function avp_count("$avp(s:myvar)", "$avp(s:count_result)") or
avp_count("$avp(s:myvar)") where $rc contains the result.
is_avp_set("$avp(s:myvar)") where $rc is set to the count, probably best
as you could test if exitst and the go right to processing.
avp_check("$avp(s:myvar)", "cn/g") where $rc is set to the count.
could always set $rc to count of found matches for when the g flag is used.
Of course using $rc for is_avp_set() or avp_check() depends on if setting
that to non-zero makes a test like if( is_avp_set("$avp(s:myvar)") ) always
trigger as false.
also on getting a count ...
another place I need to get a count is how many times a character(s) (or
shoot the moon, a regex) occurs in a string.
for handeling things like transformations like {,index,seperator},
eg: $(var(findme){,$var(count),,})
sidenote ... (not sure what values for seperator are valid)
a transformation like {s.count,seperator}
Here is an example of something I was trying to do that would have benifited
from knowing the count of seperator.
I think that I got a warning or error when the test for the while indexed
past the end of the string.
xlog("L_INFO", "Original findme list to parse: $avp(s:findme)\n");
if ( $avp(s:findme) =~ "\|" )
$var(findme) = $(avp(s:findme){,0,|}) ;
$var(findme_tm_out) = $(avp(s:findme){,1,|}) ;
xlog("L_INFO", "This findme has a timeout:
$var(findme) = $avp(s:findme) ;
xlog("L_INFO", "findme list to parse: $var(findme)\n");
$var(findme_cnt) = 0 ;
while ($(var(findme){,$var(findme_cnt),,}{s.len }) > 0 )
xlog("L_INFO", "Loop $var(findme_cnt), Adding
to TO_list\n");
$avp(s:TO_list) = $(var(findme){,$var(findme_cnt),,}) ;
$var(findme_cnt) = $var(findme_cnt) + 1 ;
can/do $var()'s stack like $avp()'s?