IƱaki Baz Castillo wrote:
2009/4/1 Klaus Darilion
But I
really wonder why you need to remove the To tag in an in-dialog
A common use case is a SIP client which gets confused by multiple early
dialogs (e.g. Asterisk in pedenatic mode). Just remove the totags from the
responses 101-199 and you are done.
Wow! Asterisk in pedantic mode (theorically this means more RFC 3261
compliant) requires To tag in provisional 1XX responses to be removed
in case of getting forked responses!
At least that was the case ~1 year ago. I have not tried current versions.
And yes - Asterisk is buggy in both modes :-)
What will be the next? requiring just one Via header?
media address in SDP being the same as address in Contact header?
requiring a new propietary header "Require: x-digium" ?