I'm installing kamailio 4.1 with a public IP on a server but for some reason in can't logging with my sip client. I also need help with NAT config Any help please
Iptables config *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [4231862:931412269] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [5258380:5441121579] -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 10000:65000 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 10000:65000 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 10000:65000 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 10000:65000 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5061 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 7722 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 5061 -j ACCEPT COMMIT
#!KAMAILIO # # Kamailio (OpenSER) SIP Server v4.0 - default configuration script # - web: http://www.kamailio.org # - git: http://sip-router.org # # Direct your questions about this file to: sr-users@lists.sip-router.org # # Refer to the Core CookBook at http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/ # for an explanation of possible statements, functions and parameters. # # Several features can be enabled using '#!define WITH_FEATURE' directives: # # *** To run in debug mode: # - define WITH_DEBUG # # *** To enable mysql: # - define WITH_MYSQL # # *** To enable authentication execute: # - enable mysql # - define WITH_AUTH # - add users using 'kamctl' # # *** To enable IP authentication execute: # - enable mysql # - enable authentication # - define WITH_IPAUTH # - add IP addresses with group id '1' to 'address' table # # *** To enable persistent user location execute: # - enable mysql # - define WITH_USRLOCDB # # *** To enable presence server execute: # - enable mysql # - define WITH_PRESENCE # # *** To enable nat traversal execute: # - define WITH_NAT # - install RTPProxy: http://www.rtpproxy.org # - start RTPProxy: # rtpproxy -l _your_public_ip_ -s udp:localhost:7722 # # *** To enable PSTN gateway routing execute: # - define WITH_PSTN # - set the value of pstn.gw_ip # - check route[PSTN] for regexp routing condition # # *** To enable database aliases lookup execute: # - enable mysql # - define WITH_ALIASDB # # *** To enable speed dial lookup execute: # - enable mysql # - define WITH_SPEEDDIAL # # *** To enable multi-domain support execute: # - enable mysql # - define WITH_MULTIDOMAIN # # *** To enable TLS support execute: # - adjust CFGDIR/tls.cfg as needed # - define WITH_TLS # # *** To enable XMLRPC support execute: # - define WITH_XMLRPC # - adjust route[XMLRPC] for access policy # # *** To enable anti-flood detection execute: # - adjust pike and htable=>ipban settings as needed (default is # block if more than 16 requests in 2 seconds and ban for 300 seconds) # - define WITH_ANTIFLOOD # # *** To block 3XX redirect replies execute: # - define WITH_BLOCK3XX # # *** To enable VoiceMail routing execute: # - define WITH_VOICEMAIL # - set the value of voicemail.srv_ip # - adjust the value of voicemail.srv_port # # *** To enhance accounting execute: # - enable mysql # - define WITH_ACCDB # - add following columns to database #!ifdef ACCDB_COMMENT ALTER TABLE acc ADD COLUMN src_user VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; ALTER TABLE acc ADD COLUMN src_domain VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; ALTER TABLE acc ADD COLUMN src_ip varchar(64) NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE acc ADD COLUMN dst_ouser VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; ALTER TABLE acc ADD COLUMN dst_user VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; ALTER TABLE acc ADD COLUMN dst_domain VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; ALTER TABLE missed_calls ADD COLUMN src_user VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; ALTER TABLE missed_calls ADD COLUMN src_domain VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; ALTER TABLE missed_calls ADD COLUMN src_ip varchar(64) NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE missed_calls ADD COLUMN dst_ouser VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; ALTER TABLE missed_calls ADD COLUMN dst_user VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; ALTER TABLE missed_calls ADD COLUMN dst_domain VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; #!endif
####### Include Local Config If Exists ######### import_file "kamailio-local.cfg"
####### Defined Values #########
# *** Value defines - IDs used later in config #!define WITH_DEBUG #!define WITH_XCAPSRV #!define WITH_NAT #!define WITH_MYSQL #!define WITH_AUTH #!define WITH_TLS #!define WITH_PRESENCE #!define WITH_USRLOCDB #!ifdef WITH_MYSQL # - database URL - used to connect to database server by modules such # as: auth_db, acc, usrloc, a.s.o. #!ifndef DBURL #!define DBURL "mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost/kamailio" #!endif #!endif #!ifdef WITH_MULTIDOMAIN # - the value for 'use_domain' parameters #!define MULTIDOMAIN 1 #!else #!define MULTIDOMAIN 0 #!endif
# - flags # FLT_ - per transaction (message) flags # FLB_ - per branch flags #!define FLT_ACC 1 #!define FLT_ACCMISSED 2 #!define FLT_ACCFAILED 3 #!define FLT_NATS 5
#!define FLB_NATB 6 #!define FLB_NATSIPPING 7
####### Global Parameters #########
### LOG Levels: 3=DBG, 2=INFO, 1=NOTICE, 0=WARN, -1=ERR #!ifdef WITH_DEBUG debug=3 log_stderror=yes #!else debug=2 log_stderror=no #!endif
memdbg=5 memlog=5
fork=yes children=4
/* uncomment the next line to disable TCP (default on) */ #disable_tcp=yes
/* uncomment the next line to disable the auto discovery of local aliases based on reverse DNS on IPs (default on) */ #auto_aliases=no
/* add local domain aliases */ #alias="sip.mydomain.com"
/* uncomment and configure the following line if you want Kamailio to bind on a specific interface/port/proto (default bind on all available) */ #listen=udp: #listen=
/* port to listen to * - can be specified more than once if needed to listen on many ports */ port=5060
#!ifdef WITH_TLS enable_tls=yes #!endif
# life time of TCP connection when there is no traffic # - a bit higher than registration expires to cope with UA behind NAT tcp_connection_lifetime=3605
####### Custom Parameters #########
# These parameters can be modified runtime via RPC interface # - see the documentation of 'cfg_rpc' module. # # Format: group.id = value 'desc' description # Access: $sel(cfg_get.group.id) or @cfg_get.group.id #
#!ifdef WITH_PSTN # PSTN GW Routing # # - pstn.gw_ip: valid IP or hostname as string value, example: # pstn.gw_ip = "" desc "My PSTN GW Address" # # - by default is empty to avoid misrouting pstn.gw_ip = "" desc "PSTN GW Address" pstn.gw_port = "" desc "PSTN GW Port" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_VOICEMAIL # VoiceMail Routing on offline, busy or no answer # # - by default Voicemail server IP is empty to avoid misrouting voicemail.srv_ip = "" desc "VoiceMail IP Address" voicemail.srv_port = "5060" desc "VoiceMail Port" #!endif
####### Modules Section ########
# set paths to location of modules (to sources or installation folders) #!ifdef WITH_SRCPATH mpath="modules_k:modules" #!else mpath="/usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/:/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_MYSQL loadmodule "db_mysql.so" #!endif
loadmodule "mi_fifo.so" loadmodule "kex.so" loadmodule "corex.so" loadmodule "tm.so" loadmodule "tmx.so" loadmodule "sl.so" loadmodule "rr.so" loadmodule "pv.so" loadmodule "maxfwd.so" loadmodule "usrloc.so" loadmodule "registrar.so" loadmodule "textops.so" loadmodule "siputils.so" loadmodule "xlog.so" loadmodule "sanity.so" loadmodule "ctl.so" loadmodule "cfg_rpc.so" loadmodule "mi_rpc.so" loadmodule "acc.so"
#!ifdef WITH_AUTH loadmodule "auth.so" loadmodule "auth_db.so" #!ifdef WITH_IPAUTH loadmodule "permissions.so" #!endif #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_ALIASDB loadmodule "alias_db.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_SPEEDDIAL loadmodule "speeddial.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_MULTIDOMAIN loadmodule "domain.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_PRESENCE loadmodule "presence.so" loadmodule "presence_xml.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_NAT loadmodule "nathelper.so" loadmodule "rtpproxy.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_TLS loadmodule "tls.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_ANTIFLOOD loadmodule "htable.so" loadmodule "pike.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_XMLRPC loadmodule "xmlrpc.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_DEBUG loadmodule "debugger.so" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_XCAPSRV loadmodule "xhttp.so" loadmodule "xcap_server.so" #!endif
# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
# ----- mi_fifo params ----- modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/kamailio_fifo")
# ----- tm params ----- # auto-discard branches from previous serial forking leg modparam("tm", "failure_reply_mode", 3) # default retransmission timeout: 30sec modparam("tm", "fr_timer", 30000) # default invite retransmission timeout after 1xx: 120sec modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer", 120000)
# ----- rr params ----- # add value to ;lr param to cope with most of the UAs modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1) # do not append from tag to the RR (no need for this script) modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 0)
# ----- registrar params ----- modparam("registrar", "method_filtering", 1) /* uncomment the next line to disable parallel forking via location */ # modparam("registrar", "append_branches", 0) /* uncomment the next line not to allow more than 10 contacts per AOR */ #modparam("registrar", "max_contacts", 10) # max value for expires of registrations modparam("registrar", "max_expires", 3600) # set it to 1 to enable GRUU modparam("registrar", "gruu_enabled", 0)
# ----- acc params ----- /* what special events should be accounted ? */ modparam("acc", "early_media", 0) modparam("acc", "report_ack", 0) modparam("acc", "report_cancels", 0) /* by default ww do not adjust the direct of the sequential requests. if you enable this parameter, be sure the enable "append_fromtag" in "rr" module */ modparam("acc", "detect_direction", 0) /* account triggers (flags) */ modparam("acc", "log_flag", FLT_ACC) modparam("acc", "log_missed_flag", FLT_ACCMISSED) modparam("acc", "log_extra", "src_user=$fU;src_domain=$fd;src_ip=$si;" "dst_ouser=$tU;dst_user=$rU;dst_domain=$rd") modparam("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", FLT_ACCFAILED) /* enhanced DB accounting */ #!ifdef WITH_ACCDB modparam("acc", "db_flag", FLT_ACC) modparam("acc", "db_missed_flag", FLT_ACCMISSED) modparam("acc", "db_url", DBURL) modparam("acc", "db_extra", "src_user=$fU;src_domain=$fd;src_ip=$si;" "dst_ouser=$tU;dst_user=$rU;dst_domain=$rd") #!endif
# ----- usrloc params ----- /* enable DB persistency for location entries */ #!ifdef WITH_USRLOCDB modparam("usrloc", "db_url", DBURL) modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2) modparam("usrloc", "use_domain", MULTIDOMAIN) #!endif
# ----- auth_db params ----- #!ifdef WITH_AUTH modparam("auth_db", "db_url", DBURL) modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes) modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password") modparam("auth_db", "load_credentials", "") modparam("auth_db", "use_domain", MULTIDOMAIN)
# ----- permissions params ----- #!ifdef WITH_IPAUTH modparam("permissions", "db_url", DBURL) modparam("permissions", "db_mode", 1) #!endif
# ----- alias_db params ----- #!ifdef WITH_ALIASDB modparam("alias_db", "db_url", DBURL) modparam("alias_db", "use_domain", MULTIDOMAIN) #!endif
# ----- speeddial params ----- #!ifdef WITH_SPEEDDIAL modparam("speeddial", "db_url", DBURL) modparam("speeddial", "use_domain", MULTIDOMAIN) #!endif
# ----- domain params ----- #!ifdef WITH_MULTIDOMAIN modparam("domain", "db_url", DBURL) # register callback to match myself condition with domains list modparam("domain", "register_myself", 1) #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_PRESENCE # ----- presence params ----- modparam("presence", "db_url", DBURL)
# ----- presence_xml params ----- modparam("presence_xml", "db_url", DBURL) modparam("presence_xml", "force_active", 1) #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_NAT # ----- rtpproxy params ----- modparam("rtpproxy", "rtpproxy_sock", "udp:localhost:7722")
# ----- nathelper params ----- modparam("nathelper", "natping_interval", 30) modparam("nathelper", "ping_nated_only", 1) modparam("nathelper", "sipping_bflag", FLB_NATSIPPING) modparam("nathelper", "sipping_from", "sip:pinger@kamailio.org")
# params needed for NAT traversal in other modules modparam("nathelper|registrar", "received_avp", "$avp(RECEIVED)") modparam("usrloc", "nat_bflag", FLB_NATB) #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_TLS # ----- tls params ----- modparam("tls", "config", "/usr/local/etc/kamailio/tls.cfg") #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_ANTIFLOOD # ----- pike params ----- modparam("pike", "sampling_time_unit", 2) modparam("pike", "reqs_density_per_unit", 16) modparam("pike", "remove_latency", 4)
# ----- htable params ----- # ip ban htable with autoexpire after 5 minutes modparam("htable", "htable", "ipban=>size=8;autoexpire=300;") #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_XMLRPC # ----- xmlrpc params ----- modparam("xmlrpc", "route", "XMLRPC"); modparam("xmlrpc", "url_match", "^/RPC") #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_DEBUG # ----- debugger params ----- modparam("debugger", "cfgtrace", 1) #!endif
# ----- xcap_server params ----- modparam("xcap_server", "db_url", "mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost /kamailio") #modparam("xcap_server", "xacp_table", "xcapdocs") modparam("xcap_server", "xcap_root", "/xcap-root/") modparam("xcap_server", "buf_size", 2048)
####### Routing Logic ########
# Main SIP request routing logic # - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route # - note: this is the same as route { ... } request_route {
# per request initial checks route(REQINIT);
# NAT detection route(NATDETECT);
# CANCEL processing if (is_method("CANCEL")) { if (t_check_trans()) { route(RELAY); } exit; }
# handle requests within SIP dialogs route(WITHINDLG);
### only initial requests (no To tag)
# authentication route(AUTH);
# record routing for dialog forming requests (in case they are routed) # - remove preloaded route headers remove_hf("Route"); if (is_method("INVITE|SUBSCRIBE")) record_route();
# account only INVITEs if (is_method("INVITE")) { setflag(FLT_ACC); # do accounting }
# dispatch requests to foreign domains route(SIPOUT);
### requests for my local domains
# handle presence related requests route(PRESENCE);
# handle registrations route(REGISTRAR);
if ($rU==$null) { # request with no Username in RURI sl_send_reply("484","Address Incomplete"); exit; }
# dispatch destinations to PSTN route(PSTN);
# user location service route(LOCATION); }
route[RELAY] {
# enable additional event routes for forwarded requests # - serial forking, RTP relaying handling, a.s.o. if (is_method("INVITE|BYE|SUBSCRIBE|UPDATE")) { if(!t_is_set("branch_route")) t_on_branch("MANAGE_BRANCH"); } if (is_method("INVITE|SUBSCRIBE|UPDATE")) { if(!t_is_set("onreply_route")) t_on_reply("MANAGE_REPLY"); } if (is_method("INVITE")) { if(!t_is_set("failure_route")) t_on_failure("MANAGE_FAILURE"); }
if (!t_relay()) { sl_reply_error(); } exit; }
# Per SIP request initial checks route[REQINIT] { #!ifdef WITH_ANTIFLOOD # flood dection from same IP and traffic ban for a while # be sure you exclude checking trusted peers, such as pstn gateways # - local host excluded (e.g., loop to self) if(src_ip!=myself) { if($sht(ipban=>$si)!=$null) { # ip is already blocked xdbg("request from blocked IP - $rm from $fu (IP:$si:$sp)\n"); exit; } if (!pike_check_req()) { xlog("L_ALERT","ALERT: pike blocking $rm from $fu (IP:$si:$sp)\n"); $sht(ipban=>$si) = 1; exit; } } #!endif
if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) { sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops"); exit; }
if(!sanity_check("1511", "7")) { xlog("Malformed SIP message from $si:$sp\n"); exit; } }
# Handle requests within SIP dialogs route[WITHINDLG] { if (has_totag()) { # sequential request withing a dialog should # take the path determined by record-routing if (loose_route()) { route(DLGURI); if (is_method("BYE")) { setflag(FLT_ACC); # do accounting ... setflag(FLT_ACCFAILED); # ... even if the transaction fails } else if ( is_method("ACK") ) { # ACK is forwarded statelessy route(NATMANAGE); } else if ( is_method("NOTIFY") ) { # Add Record-Route for in-dialog NOTIFY as per RFC 6665. record_route(); } route(RELAY); } else { if (is_method("SUBSCRIBE") && uri == myself) { # in-dialog subscribe requests route(PRESENCE); exit; } if ( is_method("ACK") ) { if ( t_check_trans() ) { # no loose-route, but stateful ACK; # must be an ACK after a 487 # or e.g. 404 from upstream server route(RELAY); exit; } else { # ACK without matching transaction ... ignore and discard exit; } } sl_send_reply("404","Not here"); } exit; } }
# Handle SIP registrations route[REGISTRAR] { if (is_method("REGISTER")) { if(isflagset(FLT_NATS)) { setbflag(FLB_NATB); # uncomment next line to do SIP NAT pinging ## setbflag(FLB_NATSIPPING); } if (!save("location")) sl_reply_error();
exit; } }
# USER location service route[LOCATION] {
#!ifdef WITH_SPEEDDIAL # search for short dialing - 2-digit extension if($rU=~"^[0-9][0-9]$") if(sd_lookup("speed_dial")) route(SIPOUT); #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_ALIASDB # search in DB-based aliases if(alias_db_lookup("dbaliases")) route(SIPOUT); #!endif
$avp(oexten) = $rU; if (!lookup("location")) { $var(rc) = $rc; route(TOVOICEMAIL); t_newtran(); switch ($var(rc)) { case -1: case -3: send_reply("404", "Not Found"); exit; case -2: send_reply("405", "Method Not Allowed"); exit; } }
# when routing via usrloc, log the missed calls also if (is_method("INVITE")) { setflag(FLT_ACCMISSED); }
route(RELAY); exit; }
# Presence server route route[PRESENCE] { if(!is_method("PUBLISH|SUBSCRIBE")) return;
#!ifdef WITH_PRESENCE if (!t_newtran()) { sl_reply_error(); exit; };
if(is_method("PUBLISH")) { handle_publish(); t_release(); } else if( is_method("SUBSCRIBE")) { handle_subscribe(); t_release(); } exit; #!endif # if presence enabled, this part will not be executed if (is_method("PUBLISH") || $rU==$null) { sl_send_reply("404", "Not here"); exit; } return; }
# Authentication route route[AUTH] { #!ifdef WITH_AUTH
#!ifdef WITH_IPAUTH if((!is_method("REGISTER")) && allow_source_address()) { # source IP allowed return; } #!endif
if (is_method("REGISTER") || from_uri==myself) { # authenticate requests if (!auth_check("$fd", "subscriber", "1")) { auth_challenge("$fd", "0"); exit; } # user authenticated - remove auth header if(!is_method("REGISTER|PUBLISH")) consume_credentials(); } # if caller is not local subscriber, then check if it calls # a local destination, otherwise deny, not an open relay here if (from_uri!=myself && uri!=myself) { sl_send_reply("403","Not relaying"); exit; }
#!endif return; }
# Caller NAT detection route route[NATDETECT] { #!ifdef WITH_NAT force_rport(); if (nat_uac_test("19")) { if (is_method("REGISTER")) { fix_nated_register(); } else { add_contact_alias(); } setflag(FLT_NATS); } #!endif return; }
# RTPProxy control route[NATMANAGE] { #!ifdef WITH_NAT if (is_request()) { if(has_totag()) { if(check_route_param("nat=yes")) { setbflag(FLB_NATB); } } } if (!(isflagset(FLT_NATS) || isbflagset(FLB_NATB))) return;
if (is_request()) { if (!has_totag()) { add_rr_param(";nat=yes"); } } if (is_reply()) { if(isbflagset(FLB_NATB)) { add_contact_alias(); } } #!endif return; }
# URI update for dialog requests route[DLGURI] { #!ifdef WITH_NAT if(!isdsturiset()) { handle_ruri_alias(); } #!endif return; }
# Routing to foreign domains route[SIPOUT] { if (!uri==myself) { append_hf("P-hint: outbound\r\n"); route(RELAY); } }
# PSTN GW routing route[PSTN] { #!ifdef WITH_PSTN # check if PSTN GW IP is defined if (strempty($sel(cfg_get.pstn.gw_ip))) { xlog("SCRIPT: PSTN rotuing enabled but pstn.gw_ip not defined\n"); return; }
# route to PSTN dialed numbers starting with '+' or '00' # (international format) # - update the condition to match your dialing rules for PSTN routing if(!($rU=~"^(+|00)[1-9][0-9]{3,20}$")) return;
# only local users allowed to call if(from_uri!=myself) { sl_send_reply("403", "Not Allowed"); exit; }
if (strempty($sel(cfg_get.pstn.gw_port))) { $ru = "sip:" + $rU + "@" + $sel(cfg_get.pstn.gw_ip); } else { $ru = "sip:" + $rU + "@" + $sel(cfg_get.pstn.gw_ip) + ":" + $sel(cfg_get.pstn.gw_port); }
route(RELAY); exit; #!endif
return; }
# XMLRPC routing #!ifdef WITH_XMLRPC route[XMLRPC] { # allow XMLRPC from localhost if ((method=="POST" || method=="GET") && (src_ip== { # close connection only for xmlrpclib user agents (there is a bug in # xmlrpclib: it waits for EOF before interpreting the response). if ($hdr(User-Agent) =~ "xmlrpclib") set_reply_close(); set_reply_no_connect(); dispatch_rpc(); exit; } send_reply("403", "Forbidden"); exit; } #!endif
# route to voicemail server route[TOVOICEMAIL] { #!ifdef WITH_VOICEMAIL if(!is_method("INVITE")) return;
# check if VoiceMail server IP is defined if (strempty($sel(cfg_get.voicemail.srv_ip))) { xlog("SCRIPT: VoiceMail rotuing enabled but IP not defined\n"); return; } if($avp(oexten)==$null) return;
$ru = "sip:" + $avp(oexten) + "@" + $sel(cfg_get.voicemail.srv_ip) + ":" + $sel(cfg_get.voicemail.srv_port); route(RELAY); exit; #!endif
return; }
# manage outgoing branches branch_route[MANAGE_BRANCH] { xdbg("new branch [$T_branch_idx] to $ru\n"); route(NATMANAGE); }
# manage incoming replies onreply_route[MANAGE_REPLY] { xdbg("incoming reply\n"); if(status=~"[12][0-9][0-9]") route(NATMANAGE); }
# manage failure routing cases failure_route[MANAGE_FAILURE] { route(NATMANAGE);
if (t_is_canceled()) { exit; }
#!ifdef WITH_BLOCK3XX # block call redirect based on 3xx replies. if (t_check_status("3[0-9][0-9]")) { t_reply("404","Not found"); exit; } #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_VOICEMAIL # serial forking # - route to voicemail on busy or no answer (timeout) if (t_check_status("486|408")) { route(TOVOICEMAIL); exit; } #!endif }
Restarting Kamailio: loading modules under /usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/:/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/ Listening on udp: udp: 67.***.**.***:5060 udp: 68.***.***.***:5060 tcp: tcp: 67.*.*.*:5060 tcp: 68.*.*.*:5060 tls: tls: 67.***.**.***:5061 tls: 68.***.***.***:5061 Aliases: tls: localhost:5061 tcp: localhost:5060 udp: localhost:5060
kamailio started.
root@machine0:/home/administrator# /etc/init.d/kamailio stop Stopping Kamailio: kamailio 0(317) NOTICE: <core> [main.c:743]: Thank you for flying kamailio!!! stopped. 22(351) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 20(348) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 19(346) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 16(341) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 21(350) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 15(337) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 13(333) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 17(342) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 14(335) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 18(345) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 10(327) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 6(323) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 12(331) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 8(325) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 11(329) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received root@machine0:/home/administrator# 9(326) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 2(319) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 7(324) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 1(318) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 5(322) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 4(321) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 3(320) INFO: <core> [main.c:854]: INFO: signal 15 received 0(317) ERROR: ctl [ctl.c:379]: ERROR: ctl: could not delete unix socket /tmp/kamailio_ctl: Operation not permitted (1)
root@machine0:/home/administrator# /etc/init.d/kamailio start >> debug.level3 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1804]: loading modules under /usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/:/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/ 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module db_mysql.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/db_mysql.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/db_mysql/db_mysql.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/db_mysql.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [db_query.c:400]: About to allocate sql_buf size = 65535 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module mi_fifo.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/mi_fifo.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/mi_fifo/mi_fifo.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/mi_fifo.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module kex.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/kex.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/kex/kex.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/kex.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:343]: register PV from: kex 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module corex.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/corex.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/corex/corex.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/corex.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module tm.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/tm.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/tm/tm.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module tmx.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/tmx.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/tmx/tmx.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tmx.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:343]: register PV from: tmx 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module sl.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/sl.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/sl/sl.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module rr.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/rr.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/rr/rr.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rr.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:343]: register PV from: rr 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module pv.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/pv.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/pv/pv.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/pv.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:343]: register PV from: pv 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module maxfwd.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/maxfwd.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/maxfwd/maxfwd.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/maxfwd.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module usrloc.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/usrloc.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/usrloc/usrloc.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/usrloc.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module registrar.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/registrar.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/registrar/registrar.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/registrar.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:343]: register PV from: registrar 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module textops.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/textops.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/textops/textops.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module siputils.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/siputils.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/siputils/siputils.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/siputils.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module xlog.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/xlog.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/xlog/xlog.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/xlog.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:343]: register PV from: xlog 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module sanity.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/sanity.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/sanity/sanity.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sanity.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module ctl.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/ctl.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/ctl/ctl.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/ctl.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module cfg_rpc.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/cfg_rpc.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/cfg_rpc/cfg_rpc.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/cfg_rpc.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module mi_rpc.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/mi_rpc.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/mi_rpc/mi_rpc.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/mi_rpc.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module acc.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/acc.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/acc/acc.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module auth.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/auth.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/auth/auth.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module auth_db.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/auth_db.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/auth_db/auth_db.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth_db.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module presence.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/presence.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/presence/presence.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/presence.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module presence_xml.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/presence_xml.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/presence_xml/presence_xml.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/presence_xml.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module nathelper.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/nathelper.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/nathelper/nathelper.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:343]: register PV from: nathelper 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module rtpproxy.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/rtpproxy.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/rtpproxy/rtpproxy.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rtpproxy.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:343]: register PV from: rtpproxy 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module tls.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/tls.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/tls/tls.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tls.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [mem/q_malloc.c:202]: qm_malloc_init: QM_OPTIMIZE=16384, /ROUNDTO=1024 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [mem/q_malloc.c:204]: qm_malloc_init: QM_HASH_SIZE=1075, qm_block size=43048 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [mem/q_malloc.c:205]: qm_malloc_init(0x7fb199ba6000, 134217728), start=0x7fb199ba6000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [mem/q_malloc.c:213]: qm_malloc_init: size= 134217728, init_overhead=43088 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [mem/shm_mem.c:203]: shm_mem_init: success 0(405) INFO: tls [tls_init.c:385]: tls: init_tls: disabling compression... 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:343]: register PV from: tls 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module debugger.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/debugger.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/debugger/debugger.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/debugger.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module xhttp.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/xhttp.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/xhttp/xhttp.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/xhttp.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:343]: register PV from: xhttp 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.y:1791]: loading module xcap_server.so 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:499]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/xcap_server.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:522]: load_module: module file not found </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/xcap_server/xcap_server.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:564]: load_module: trying to load </usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/xcap_server.so> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:343]: register PV from: xcap_server 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'mi_fifo' matches module 'mi_fifo' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <fifo_name> in module mi_fifo [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/mi_fifo.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <fifo_name> in module mi_fifo [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/mi_fifo.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'tm' matches module 'tm' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <failure_reply_mode> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <failure_reply_mode> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'tm' matches module 'tm' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <fr_timer> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <fr_timer> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'tm' matches module 'tm' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <fr_inv_timer> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <fr_inv_timer> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'rr' matches module 'rr' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <enable_full_lr> in module rr [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rr.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <enable_full_lr> in module rr [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rr.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'rr' matches module 'rr' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <append_fromtag> in module rr [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rr.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <append_fromtag> in module rr [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rr.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'registrar' matches module 'registrar' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <method_filtering> in module registrar [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/registrar.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <method_filtering> in module registrar [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/registrar.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'registrar' matches module 'registrar' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <max_expires> in module registrar [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/registrar.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <max_expires> in module registrar [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/registrar.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'registrar' matches module 'registrar' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <gruu_enabled> in module registrar [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/registrar.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <gruu_enabled> in module registrar [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/registrar.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'acc' matches module 'acc' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <early_media> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <early_media> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'acc' matches module 'acc' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <report_ack> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <report_ack> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'acc' matches module 'acc' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <report_cancels> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <report_cancels> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'acc' matches module 'acc' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <detect_direction> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <detect_direction> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLT_ACC] value [1] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'acc' matches module 'acc' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <log_flag> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <log_flag> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLT_ACCMISSED] value [2] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'acc' matches module 'acc' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <log_missed_flag> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <log_missed_flag> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'acc' matches module 'acc' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <log_extra> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <log_extra> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLT_ACCFAILED] value [3] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'acc' matches module 'acc' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <failed_transaction_flag> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <failed_transaction_flag> in module acc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/acc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [DBURL] value ["mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost/kamailio"] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'usrloc' matches module 'usrloc' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <db_url> in module usrloc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/usrloc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <db_url> in module usrloc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/usrloc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'usrloc' matches module 'usrloc' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <db_mode> in module usrloc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/usrloc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <db_mode> in module usrloc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/usrloc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [MULTIDOMAIN] value [0] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'usrloc' matches module 'usrloc' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <use_domain> in module usrloc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/usrloc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <use_domain> in module usrloc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/usrloc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [DBURL] value ["mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost/kamailio"] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'auth_db' matches module 'auth_db' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <db_url> in module auth_db [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth_db.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <db_url> in module auth_db [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth_db.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'auth_db' matches module 'auth_db' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <calculate_ha1> in module auth_db [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth_db.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <calculate_ha1> in module auth_db [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth_db.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'auth_db' matches module 'auth_db' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <password_column> in module auth_db [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth_db.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <password_column> in module auth_db [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth_db.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'auth_db' matches module 'auth_db' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <load_credentials> in module auth_db [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth_db.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <load_credentials> in module auth_db [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth_db.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [MULTIDOMAIN] value [0] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'auth_db' matches module 'auth_db' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <use_domain> in module auth_db [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth_db.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <use_domain> in module auth_db [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth_db.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [DBURL] value ["mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost/kamailio"] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'presence' matches module 'presence' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <db_url> in module presence [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/presence.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <db_url> in module presence [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/presence.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [DBURL] value ["mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost/kamailio"] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'presence_xml' matches module 'presence_xml' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <db_url> in module presence_xml [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/presence_xml.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <db_url> in module presence_xml [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/presence_xml.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'presence_xml' matches module 'presence_xml' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <force_active> in module presence_xml [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/presence_xml.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <force_active> in module presence_xml [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/presence_xml.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'rtpproxy' matches module 'rtpproxy' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <rtpproxy_sock> in module rtpproxy [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rtpproxy.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <rtpproxy_sock> in module rtpproxy [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rtpproxy.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'nathelper' matches module 'nathelper' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <natping_interval> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <natping_interval> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'nathelper' matches module 'nathelper' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <ping_nated_only> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <ping_nated_only> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLB_NATSIPPING] value [7] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'nathelper' matches module 'nathelper' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <sipping_bflag> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <sipping_bflag> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'nathelper' matches module 'nathelper' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <sipping_from> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <sipping_from> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'nathelper|registrar' matches module 'nathelper' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <received_avp> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <received_avp> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'nathelper|registrar' matches module 'registrar' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <received_avp> in module registrar [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/registrar.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <received_avp> in module registrar [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/registrar.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLB_NATB] value [6] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'usrloc' matches module 'usrloc' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <nat_bflag> in module usrloc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/usrloc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <nat_bflag> in module usrloc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/usrloc.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'tls' matches module 'tls' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <config> in module tls [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tls.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <config> in module tls [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tls.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'debugger' matches module 'debugger' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <cfgtrace> in module debugger [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/debugger.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <cfgtrace> in module debugger [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/debugger.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'xcap_server' matches module 'xcap_server' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <db_url> in module xcap_server [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/xcap_server.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <db_url> in module xcap_server [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/xcap_server.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'xcap_server' matches module 'xcap_server' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <xcap_root> in module xcap_server [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/xcap_server.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <xcap_root> in module xcap_server [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/xcap_server.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:96]: set_mod_param_regex: 'xcap_server' matches module 'xcap_server' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:770]: find_param_export: found <buf_size> in module xcap_server [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/xcap_server.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [modparam.c:113]: set_mod_param_regex: found <buf_size> in module xcap_server [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/xcap_server.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a8012270 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a8012410 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_check_trans> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a8013780 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a80130a0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8013820 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a80127f0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8013920 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a8013c20 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_check_trans> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a8013f60 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <remove_hf> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <record_route> in module rr [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rr.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8014c60 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8015460 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLT_ACC] value [1] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#39 #0/1: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a80158a0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8015fb0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a80161b0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a8016350 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a80164f0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8017610 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8017d90 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a80188b0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a8018a50 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_is_set> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_on_branch> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8019b50 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8018420 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8018d90 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a801a2d0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_is_set> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_on_reply> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a801b870 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a801bff0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a801a9e0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a801c190 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_is_set> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_on_failure> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a801d730 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a801deb0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a801c8a0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a801e050 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <sl_reply_error> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a801ee40 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a801e490 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <mf_process_maxfwd_header> in module maxfwd [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/maxfwd.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8020710 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8020e90 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <sanity_check> in module sanity [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sanity.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <xlog> in module xlog [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/xlog.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8021030 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8021dc0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <has_totag> in module siputils [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/siputils.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <loose_route> in module rr [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rr.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a8023be0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLT_ACC] value [1] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#39 #0/1: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLT_ACCFAILED] value [3] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#39 #0/1: 3(3)/ 0x3 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a80251f0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <record_route> in module rr [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rr.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a80255d0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8025d80 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8024ae0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8025290 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8025e80 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8023fc0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a80246a0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8025f80 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a8026180 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a8027a80 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a80273a0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8027b20 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_check_trans> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a8028ff0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8028910 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8029090 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8029290 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8028060 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8029390 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8023500 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8023c80 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8027d20 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8022e20 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8029f50 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLT_NATS] value [5] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#41 #0/1: 3(3)/ 0x5 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLB_NATB] value [6] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <setbflag> in module kex [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/kex.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a802a790 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a802af10 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <save> in module registrar [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/registrar.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <sl_reply_error> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a802c110 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a802c890 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a80297d0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a802b6f0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [usr_avp.c:895]: Parsing 'oexten' 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#63 #0/2: 21(15)/ 0x7fb1a802ceb0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#63 #1/2: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a802cfd0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <lookup> in module registrar [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/registrar.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#63 #0/2: 21(15)/ 0x7fb1a802e8a0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#63 #1/2: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a802e920 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a802f100 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_newtran> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <send_reply> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <send_reply> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#17 #0/2: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a802f4e0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#17 #1/2: 24(18)/ 0x7fb1a802ce30 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a802e0d0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a802f000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLT_ACCMISSED] value [2] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#39 #0/1: 3(3)/ 0x2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8031ab0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8032630 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a8032870 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a80335a0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8033c80 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_newtran> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <sl_reply_error> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8034700 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8034e80 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <handle_publish> in module presence [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/presence.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_release> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <handle_subscribe> in module presence [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/presence.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_release> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8036020 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a80367d0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a80353c0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8035b40 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8036a70 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8038d20 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a80394a0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <auth_check> in module auth_db [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth_db.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <auth_challenge> in module auth [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a803bc20 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a803b540 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <consume_credentials> in module auth [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a803d8d0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a803d3b0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a803ab80 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a803b8e0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a803ed70 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a803f450 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <nat_uac_test> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_method> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <fix_nated_register> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <add_contact_alias> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8040ac0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a803f930 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a803fad0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLT_NATS] value [5] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#39 #0/1: 3(3)/ 0x5 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a80403e0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a80411a0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_request> in module siputils [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/siputils.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <has_totag> in module siputils [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/siputils.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <check_route_param> in module rr [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rr.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLB_NATB] value [6] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <setbflag> in module kex [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/kex.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8043100 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8043880 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8042100 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8044060 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8041880 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8044160 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLT_NATS] value [5] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#41 #0/1: 3(3)/ 0x5 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLB_NATB] value [6] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <isbflagset> in module kex [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/kex.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8046180 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8046860 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <rtpproxy_manage> in module rtpproxy [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rtpproxy.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_request> in module siputils [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/siputils.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <has_totag> in module siputils [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/siputils.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <add_rr_param> in module rr [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/rr.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8047d00 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8048480 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8046da0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8048620 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <is_reply> in module siputils [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/siputils.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg.lex:1879]: ### returning define ID [FLB_NATB] value [6] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <isbflagset> in module kex [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/kex.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <add_contact_alias> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8049b20 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a8048c00 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a8048d60 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a804a200 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <isdsturiset> in module kex [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/kex.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <handle_ruri_alias> in module nathelper [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/nathelper.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a804ae70 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a804b5f0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <append_hf> in module textops [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/textops.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a804ca30 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a804c110 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a804c890 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <xdbg> in module xlog [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/xlog.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a804d4c0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <xdbg> in module xlog [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/xlog.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a804da30 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a804e320 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a804ea00 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#5 #0/1: 1(1)/ 0x7fb1a804eca0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #0/2: 9(9)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#24 #1/2: 3(3)/ (nil) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_is_canceled> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #0/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#2 #1/2: 3(3)/ 0x1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #0/3: 22(16)/ 0x7fb1a804efe0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #1/3: 8(8)/ 0x7fb1a804f6c0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:166]: ACTION_#16 #2/3: 0(0)/ 0x7fb100000000 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 0: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "REQINIT" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "NATDETECT" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "RELAY" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "WITHINDLG" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8000630> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "AUTH" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8007160> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:580]: , type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8001bc8> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:405]: setflag( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "SIPOUT" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "PRESENCE" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "REGISTRAR" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8001720> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , "484" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "PSTN" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "LOCATION" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 1: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8000080> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , "MANAGE_BRANCH" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8000048> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , "MANAGE_REPLY" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8000010> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , "MANAGE_FAILURE" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a80017c8> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 2: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8001720> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , "483" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8008060> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , "Malformed SIP message from $si:$sp " 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 3: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "DLGURI" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:405]: setflag( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:405]: setflag( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 3 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "NATMANAGE" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8001bc8> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "RELAY" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "PRESENCE" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "RELAY" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8001720> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , "404" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 4: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a7ffeff8> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:580]: , type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a80017c8> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 5: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:479]: assign( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<21> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:554]: , type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:479]: assign( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<21> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:554]: , type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "TOVOICEMAIL" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a7fff910> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:485]: UNKNOWN( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:554]: , type<24> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:405]: setflag( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "RELAY" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 6: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a80017c8> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a800ae20> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a7fffa60> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a800ae90> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a7fffa60> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8001720> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , "404" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 7: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a800a628> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , "$fd" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a800a580> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8001720> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , "403" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 8: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:458]: force_rport( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<0> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a800b6a8> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a800b558> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:405]: setflag( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 5 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 9: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a7ffeff8> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:580]: , type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a800bdb0> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8001ce0> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , ";nat=yes" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a800b558> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 10: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a800b5c8> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 0 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 11: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8007048> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , "P-hint: outbound " 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "RELAY" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 12: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: routing table 13: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 2 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: onreply routing table 1: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8008108> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , "incoming reply " 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "NATMANAGE" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: failure routing table 1: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "NATMANAGE" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:438]: if ( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:520]: type<22> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:522]: ) { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:375]: drop( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:492]: 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:556]: } else { 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:582]: }; 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2205]: branch routing table 1: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:455]: external_module_call( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:504]: f_ptr<0x7fb1a8008108> 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:530]: , 1 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:561]: , "new branch [$T_branch_idx] to $ru " 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:384]: route( 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:489]: "NATMANAGE" 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route_struct.c:583]: ); 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:2207]: 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg/cfg.c:178]: DEBUG: register_cfg_def(): new config group has been registered: 'core' (num=49, size=196) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [cfg/cfg.c:178]: DEBUG: register_cfg_def(): new config group has been registered: 'tcp' (num=26, size=104) 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [timer.c:272]: init_timer: starting with *ticks=654700632 0(405) DEBUG: <core> [timer.c:314]: init_timer: timer_list between 0x7fb199bb0b70 and 0x7fb199bf4b70 0(405) INFO: <core> [tcp_main.c:4846]: init_tcp: using epoll_lt as the io watch method (auto detected) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [daemonize.c:219]: trying enable core dumping... 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [daemonize.c:237]: core dumping is enabled now (1)... 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [daemonize.c:575]: core dump limits set to 18446744073709551615 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: db_mysql 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_db_mysql.c:92]: MySQL client version is 5.1.70 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: mi_fifo 0(407) DEBUG: mi_fifo [mi_fifo.c:124]: testing mi_fifo existance ... 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: kex 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-197-] (0 / 18) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: corex 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: tm 0(407) DEBUG: tm [tm.c:751]: TM - (sizeof cell=4872, sip_msg=1624) initializing... 0(407) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:105]: Call-ID initialization: '66737cc92b1a5c26' 0(407) DEBUG: tm [lock.c:87]: DEBUG: lock_initialize: lock initialization started 0(407) DEBUG: tm [timer.c:226]: tm: tm_init_timers: fr=480 fr_inv=1920 wait=80 delete=4 t1=500 t2=4000 max_inv_lifetime=2880 max_noninv_lifetime=512 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [cfg/cfg.c:178]: DEBUG: register_cfg_def(): new config group has been registered: 'tm' (num=36, size=168) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [md5utils.c:67]: DEBUG: MD5 calculated: 533cb9e91f4b999cf76861cbb9ed54ed 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [md5utils.c:67]: DEBUG: MD5 calculated: a6a1c5f60faecf035a1ae5b6e96e979a 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: tmx 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <load_tm> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_newtran> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay_to_tcp> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay_to_udp> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_forward_nonack> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_release> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: sl 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [md5utils.c:67]: DEBUG: MD5 calculated: b27e1a1d33761e85846fc98f5f3a7e58 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <load_tm> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_newtran> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay_to_tcp> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay_to_udp> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_forward_nonack> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_release> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: rr 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:680]: find_export_record: <bind_ob> not found 0(407) INFO: rr [../outbound/api.h:49]: Failed to import bind_ob 0(407) INFO: rr [rr_mod.c:159]: outbound module not available 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: pv 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: maxfwd 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [cfg/cfg.c:178]: DEBUG: register_cfg_def(): new config group has been registered: 'maxfwd' (num=1, size=4) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: usrloc 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-197-] (0 / 18) 0(407) INFO: usrloc [hslot.c:53]: locks array size 512 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <db_bind_api> in module db_mysql [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/db_mysql.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:213]: using db bind api for db_mysql 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: registrar 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-197-] (0 / 18) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <bind_sl> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [cfg/cfg.c:178]: DEBUG: register_cfg_def(): new config group has been registered: 'registrar' (num=10, size=56) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [usr_avp.c:895]: Parsing 'RECEIVED' 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <ul_bind_usrloc> in module usrloc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/usrloc.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: textops 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: siputils 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <bind_sl> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [usr_avp.c:895]: Parsing 's:rpid' 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [cfg/cfg.c:178]: DEBUG: register_cfg_def(): new config group has been registered: 'siputils' (num=1, size=4) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: xlog 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: sanity 0(407) DEBUG: sanity [mod_sanity.c:103]: sanity initializing 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <bind_sl> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(407) DEBUG: sanity [mod_sanity.c:111]: parsing proxy requires string: 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: ctl 0(407) DEBUG: ctl [ctl.c:242]: listening on: 0(407) DEBUG: ctl [ctl.c:252]: [binrpc:unix stream] /tmp/kamailio_ctl 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: cfg_rpc 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: mi_rpc 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: acc 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <load_tm> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_newtran> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay_to_tcp> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay_to_udp> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_forward_nonack> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_release> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: auth 0(407) DEBUG: auth [auth_mod.c:278]: auth module - initializing 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <bind_sl> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [usr_avp.c:895]: Parsing 'digest_challenge' 0(407) INFO: auth [auth_mod.c:350]: auth: qop set, but nonce-count (nc_enabled) support disabled 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: auth_db 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <db_bind_api> in module db_mysql [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/db_mysql.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:213]: using db bind api for db_mysql 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <bind_auth_s> in module auth [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: presence 0(407) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:236]: db_url=mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost/kamailio/46/0x7fb1a8010a10 0(407) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:266]: server_address parameter not set in configuration file 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <bind_sl> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <load_tm> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_newtran> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay_to_tcp> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay_to_udp> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_forward_nonack> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_release> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <db_bind_api> in module db_mysql [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/db_mysql.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:213]: using db bind api for db_mysql 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a8058040 not found in pool 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:118]: allocate 56 bytes for result set at 0x7fb1a80586d0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:68]: 1 columns returned from the query 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:155]: allocate 8 bytes for result names at 0x7fb1a8058760 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:165]: allocate 4 bytes for result types at 0x7fb1a8058790 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a80587c0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a80587c0)[0]=[table_version] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:184]: allocate 16 bytes for rows at 0x7fb1a80587f0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:119]: allocate 32 bytes for row values at 0x7fb1a8058820 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_val.c:73]: converting INT [3] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:81]: freeing 1 columns 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a80587c0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:94]: freeing result names at 0x7fb1a8058760 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:99]: freeing result types at 0x7fb1a8058790 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:54]: freeing 1 rows 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:97]: freeing row values at 0x7fb1a8058820 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:62]: freeing rows at 0x7fb1a80587f0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:136]: freeing result set at 0x7fb1a80586d0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:118]: allocate 56 bytes for result set at 0x7fb1a80586d0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:68]: 1 columns returned from the query 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:155]: allocate 8 bytes for result names at 0x7fb1a8058790 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:165]: allocate 4 bytes for result types at 0x7fb1a8058760 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a80587c0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a80587c0)[0]=[table_version] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:184]: allocate 16 bytes for rows at 0x7fb1a8058730 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:119]: allocate 32 bytes for row values at 0x7fb1a8058820 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_val.c:73]: converting INT [3] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:81]: freeing 1 columns 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a80587c0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:94]: freeing result names at 0x7fb1a8058790 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:99]: freeing result types at 0x7fb1a8058760 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:54]: freeing 1 rows 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:97]: freeing row values at 0x7fb1a8058820 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:62]: freeing rows at 0x7fb1a8058730 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:136]: freeing result set at 0x7fb1a80586d0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:118]: allocate 56 bytes for result set at 0x7fb1a80586d0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:68]: 1 columns returned from the query 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:155]: allocate 8 bytes for result names at 0x7fb1a8058760 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:165]: allocate 4 bytes for result types at 0x7fb1a8058790 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a80587c0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a80587c0)[0]=[table_version] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:184]: allocate 16 bytes for rows at 0x7fb1a80587f0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:119]: allocate 32 bytes for row values at 0x7fb1a8058820 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_val.c:73]: converting INT [11] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:81]: freeing 1 columns 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a80587c0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:94]: freeing result names at 0x7fb1a8058760 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:99]: freeing result types at 0x7fb1a8058790 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:54]: freeing 1 rows 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:97]: freeing row values at 0x7fb1a8058820 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:62]: freeing rows at 0x7fb1a80587f0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:136]: freeing result set at 0x7fb1a80586d0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:118]: allocate 56 bytes for result set at 0x7fb1a80586d0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:68]: 22 columns returned from the query 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:155]: allocate 176 bytes for result names at 0x7fb1a8058860 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:165]: allocate 88 bytes for result types at 0x7fb1a8058930 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a8058790 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058790)[0]=[presentity_uri] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[1] at 0x7fb1a8058760 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058760)[1]=[expires] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[2] at 0x7fb1a80587c0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a80587c0)[2]=[event] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[3] at 0x7fb1a8058730 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058730)[3]=[event_id] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[4] at 0x7fb1a8058820 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058820)[4]=[to_user] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[5] at 0x7fb1a80589b0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a80589b0)[5]=[to_domain] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[6] at 0x7fb1a80589e0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a80589e0)[6]=[from_user] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[7] at 0x7fb1a8058a10 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058a10)[7]=[from_domain] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[8] at 0x7fb1a8058a40 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058a40)[8]=[watcher_username] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[9] at 0x7fb1a8058a70 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058a70)[9]=[watcher_domain] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[10] at 0x7fb1a8058aa0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058aa0)[10]=[callid] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[11] at 0x7fb1a8058ad0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058ad0)[11]=[to_tag] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[12] at 0x7fb1a8058b00 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058b00)[12]=[from_tag] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[13] at 0x7fb1a8058b30 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058b30)[13]=[local_cseq] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[14] at 0x7fb1a8058b60 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058b60)[14]=[remote_cseq] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[15] at 0x7fb1a8058b90 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058b90)[15]=[record_route] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:121]: use DB1_BLOB result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[16] at 0x7fb1a8058bc0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058bc0)[16]=[socket_info] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[17] at 0x7fb1a8058bf0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058bf0)[17]=[contact] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[18] at 0x7fb1a8058c20 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058c20)[18]=[local_contact] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[19] at 0x7fb1a8058c50 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058c50)[19]=[version] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[20] at 0x7fb1a8058c80 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058c80)[20]=[status] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[21] at 0x7fb1a8058cb0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058cb0)[21]=[reason] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_dbase.c:330]: no rows returned from the query 0(407) DEBUG: presence [subscribe.c:2333]: loading information from database 0 records 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:81]: freeing 22 columns 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a8058790 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x7fb1a8058760 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x7fb1a80587c0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x7fb1a8058730 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x7fb1a8058820 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x7fb1a80589b0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x7fb1a80589e0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x7fb1a8058a10 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x7fb1a8058a40 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x7fb1a8058a70 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x7fb1a8058aa0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x7fb1a8058ad0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x7fb1a8058b00 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x7fb1a8058b30 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x7fb1a8058b60 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x7fb1a8058b90 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[16] at 0x7fb1a8058bc0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[17] at 0x7fb1a8058bf0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[18] at 0x7fb1a8058c20 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[19] at 0x7fb1a8058c50 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[20] at 0x7fb1a8058c80 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[21] at 0x7fb1a8058cb0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:94]: freeing result names at 0x7fb1a8058860 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:99]: freeing result types at 0x7fb1a8058930 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:136]: freeing result set at 0x7fb1a80586d0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:118]: allocate 56 bytes for result set at 0x7fb1a80586d0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:68]: 4 columns returned from the query 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:155]: allocate 32 bytes for result names at 0x7fb1a8058820 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:165]: allocate 16 bytes for result types at 0x7fb1a8058c80 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a8058c50 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058c50)[0]=[username] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[1] at 0x7fb1a8058c20 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058c20)[1]=[domain] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[2] at 0x7fb1a8058bf0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058bf0)[2]=[event] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[3] at 0x7fb1a8058bc0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058bc0)[3]=[expires] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_dbase.c:330]: no rows returned from the query 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:81]: freeing 4 columns 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a8058c50 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x7fb1a8058c20 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x7fb1a8058bf0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x7fb1a8058bc0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:94]: freeing result names at 0x7fb1a8058820 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:99]: freeing result types at 0x7fb1a8058c80 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:136]: freeing result set at 0x7fb1a80586d0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_pool.c:102]: removing connection from the pool 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: presence_xml 0(407) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:176]: db_url=mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost/kamailio/46/0x7fb1a8010c40 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <bind_sl> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <bind_presence> in module presence [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/presence.so] 0(407) DEBUG: presence [event_list.c:351]: start event= [presence/1] 0(407) DEBUG: presence [event_list.c:351]: start event= [presence.winfo/2] 0(407) DEBUG: presence [event_list.c:259]: succesfully added event: presence - len= 8 0(407) DEBUG: presence_xml [add_events.c:78]: added 'presence' event to presence module 0(407) DEBUG: presence [event_list.c:351]: start event= [presence.winfo/2] 0(407) DEBUG: presence [event_list.c:351]: start event= [presence/1] 0(407) DEBUG: presence [event_list.c:205]: Found wipeer event [presence] for event [presence.winfo] 0(407) DEBUG: presence [event_list.c:259]: succesfully added event: presence.winfo - len= 14 0(407) DEBUG: presence_xml [add_events.c:98]: added 'presence.winfo' event to presence module 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: nathelper 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [usr_avp.c:895]: Parsing 'RECEIVED' 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <ul_bind_usrloc> in module usrloc [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/usrloc.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: rtpproxy 0(407) DEBUG: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:554]: url is udp:localhost:7722, len is 18 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <load_tm> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_newtran> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay_to_tcp> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay_to_udp> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_relay> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_forward_nonack> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <t_release> in module tm [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/tm.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: tls 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [cfg/cfg.c:178]: DEBUG: register_cfg_def(): new config group has been registered: 'tls' (num=27, size=216) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: debugger 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: xhttp 0(407) WARNING: xhttp [xhttp_mod.c:125]: event_route[xhttp:request] is empty 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <bind_sl> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:935]: DEBUG: init_mod: xcap_server 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <db_bind_api> in module db_mysql [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/db_mysql.so] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:213]: using db bind api for db_mysql 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a80586d0 not found in pool 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:118]: allocate 56 bytes for result set at 0x7fb1a8059e80 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:68]: 1 columns returned from the query 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:155]: allocate 8 bytes for result names at 0x7fb1a8058bf0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:165]: allocate 4 bytes for result types at 0x7fb1a8058c20 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a8058c50 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058c50)[0]=[table_version] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:184]: allocate 16 bytes for rows at 0x7fb1a8058cb0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:119]: allocate 32 bytes for row values at 0x7fb1a8058820 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_val.c:73]: converting INT [4] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:81]: freeing 1 columns 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a8058c50 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:94]: freeing result names at 0x7fb1a8058bf0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:99]: freeing result types at 0x7fb1a8058c20 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:54]: freeing 1 rows 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:97]: freeing row values at 0x7fb1a8058820 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:62]: freeing rows at 0x7fb1a8058cb0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:136]: freeing result set at 0x7fb1a8059e80 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_pool.c:102]: removing connection from the pool 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:674]: find_export_record: found <bind_sl> in module sl [/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/sl.so] 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_init.c:549]: tls: _init_tls_h: compiled with openssl version "OpenSSL 0.9.8k 25 Mar 2009" (0x009080bf), kerberos support: off, compression: on 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_init.c:557]: tls: init_tls_h: installed openssl library version "OpenSSL 0.9.8k 25 Mar 2009" (0x009080bf), kerberos support: off, zlib compression: on compiler: cc -fPIC -DOPENSSL_PIC -DZLIB -DOPENSSL_THREADS -D_REENTRANT -DDSO_DLFCN -DHAVE_DLFCN_H -m64 -DL_ENDIAN -DTERMIO -O3 -Wa,--noexecstack -g -Wall -DMD32_REG_T=int -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT -DSHA1_ASM -DSHA256_ASM -DSHA512_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DAES_ASM 0(407) WARNING: tls [tls_init.c:611]: tls: openssl bug #1491 (crash/mem leaks on low memory) workaround enabled (on low memory tls operations will fail preemptively) with free memory thresholds 12058624 and 6029312 bytes 0(407) INFO: <core> [cfg/cfg_ctx.c:613]: INFO: cfg_set_now(): tls.low_mem_threshold1 has been changed to 12058624 0(407) INFO: <core> [cfg/cfg_ctx.c:613]: INFO: cfg_set_now(): tls.low_mem_threshold2 has been changed to 6029312 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [main.c:2539]: Expect (at least) 23 SER processes in your process list 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [CANCEL/2] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_check_trans() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_check_trans() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing remove_hf() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1669]: using hdr type (9) instead of <Route> 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1746]: using id for methods [INVITE,SUBSCRIBE/65] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing record_route() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [INVITE/1] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 7 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 7 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing sl_send_reply() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1746]: using id for methods [INVITE,BYE,SUBSCRIBE,UPDATE/2121] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_is_set() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_on_branch() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1746]: using id for methods [INVITE,SUBSCRIBE,UPDATE/2113] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_is_set() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_on_reply() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [INVITE/1] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_is_set() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_on_failure() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_relay() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing sl_reply_error() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing mf_process_maxfwd_header() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing sl_send_reply() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing sanity_check() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing xlog() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [pvapi.c:390]: PV <$si> is not in cache 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [pvapi.c:269]: PV cache not initialized, doing it now 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [pvapi.c:294]: pvar [$si] added in cache 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [pvapi.c:390]: PV <$sp> is not in cache 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [pvapi.c:294]: pvar [$sp] added in cache 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing has_totag() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing loose_route() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [BYE/8] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [ACK/4] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [NOTIFY/128] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing record_route() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [SUBSCRIBE/64] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 3 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [ACK/4] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_check_trans() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing sl_send_reply() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [REGISTER/32] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing setbflag() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing save() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a80251f0 not found in pool 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:118]: allocate 56 bytes for result set at 0x7fb1a8023be0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:68]: 1 columns returned from the query 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:155]: allocate 8 bytes for result names at 0x7fb1a80587c0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:165]: allocate 4 bytes for result types at 0x7fb1a8058760 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a8058790 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058790)[0]=[table_version] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:184]: allocate 16 bytes for rows at 0x7fb1a80587f0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:119]: allocate 32 bytes for row values at 0x7fb1a8013c20 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_val.c:73]: converting INT [6] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:81]: freeing 1 columns 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a8058790 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:94]: freeing result names at 0x7fb1a80587c0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:99]: freeing result types at 0x7fb1a8058760 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:54]: freeing 1 rows 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_row.c:97]: freeing row values at 0x7fb1a8013c20 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:62]: freeing rows at 0x7fb1a80587f0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:136]: freeing result set at 0x7fb1a8023be0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:118]: allocate 56 bytes for result set at 0x7fb1a8013c60 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:68]: 1 columns returned from the query 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:155]: allocate 8 bytes for result names at 0x7fb1a8058760 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:165]: allocate 4 bytes for result types at 0x7fb1a80587c0 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a8058790 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a8058790)[0]=[username] 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:169]: no rows returned from the query 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:81]: freeing 1 columns 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a8058790 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:94]: freeing result names at 0x7fb1a8058760 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:99]: freeing result types at 0x7fb1a80587c0 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:136]: freeing result set at 0x7fb1a8013c60 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db_pool.c:102]: removing connection from the pool 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing sl_reply_error() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 7 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing lookup() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 7 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_newtran() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 7 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing send_reply() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing send_reply() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [switch.c:232]: SWITCH: 3 cases, 0 default 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [switch.c:402]: SWITCH: optimized to condtable (3) default: no 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [INVITE/1] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1746]: using id for methods [PUBLISH,SUBSCRIBE/8256] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_newtran() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing sl_reply_error() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [PUBLISH/8192] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing handle_publish() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_release() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [SUBSCRIBE/64] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing handle_subscribe() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_release() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [PUBLISH/8192] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 7 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 7 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing sl_send_reply() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [REGISTER/32] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 3 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing auth_check() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing auth_challenge() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1746]: using id for methods [REGISTER,PUBLISH/8224] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing consume_credentials() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 3 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 3 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing sl_send_reply() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing nat_uac_test() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_method() 0(407) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:1753]: using id for method [REGISTER/32] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing fix_nated_register() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing add_contact_alias() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_request() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing has_totag() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing check_route_param() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing setbflag() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing isbflagset() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing rtpproxy_manage() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_request() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing has_totag() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing add_rr_param() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing is_reply() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing isbflagset() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing add_contact_alias() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing isdsturiset() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing handle_ruri_alias() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 3 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing append_hf() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing xdbg() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 3 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 2 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2865]: RV is str: "[12][0-9][0-9]" 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:506]: right EXP optimized: op11(O52, _ST22_) => op11(O52, _ST1_) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [rvalue.c:2857]: RV fixing type 4 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing t_is_canceled() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [route.c:927]: fixing xdbg() 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [pvapi.c:390]: PV <$T_branch_idx> is not in cache 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [pvapi.c:294]: pvar [$T_branch_idx] added in cache 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [pvapi.c:390]: PV <$ru> is not in cache 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [pvapi.c:294]: pvar [$ru] added in cache 0(407) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:179]: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 124928 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 249856 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=249856,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 251904 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=251904,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 253952 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=253952,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 256000 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=256000,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 258048 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=258048,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 260096 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=260096,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 262144 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=262144,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:213]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF has no effect 0(407) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:230]: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 262142 0(407) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:179]: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 124928 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 249856 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=249856,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 251904 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=251904,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 253952 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=253952,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 256000 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=256000,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 258048 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=258048,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 260096 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=260096,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 262144 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=262144,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:213]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF has no effect 0(407) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:230]: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 262142 0(407) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:179]: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 124928 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 249856 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=249856,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 251904 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=251904,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 253952 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=253952,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 256000 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=256000,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 258048 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=258048,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 260096 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=260096,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:187]: DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 262144 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:211]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=262144,verify=262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [udp_server.c:213]: DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF has no effect 0(407) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:230]: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 262142 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [tcp_main.c:2854]: tcp_init: added 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [tcp_main.c:2854]: tcp_init: added 67.***.**.***:5060 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [tcp_main.c:2854]: tcp_init: added 68.***.**.***:5060 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [tcp_main.c:2854]: tcp_init: added 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [tcp_main.c:2854]: tcp_init: added 67.***.**.***:5061 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [tcp_main.c:2854]: tcp_init: added 68.***.**.***:5061 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [daemonize.c:219]: trying enable core dumping... 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [daemonize.c:221]: core dumping is disabled now... 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [daemonize.c:225]: core dumping has just been enabled... 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [daemonize.c:232]: current core file limit: 18446744073709551615 (max: 18446744073709551615) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): mi_fifo 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): kex 0(407) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (-127) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-197-] (0 / 18) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): corex 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): tm 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): sl 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): usrloc 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-197-] (0 / 18) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): registrar 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-197-] (0 / 18) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): ctl 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): mi_rpc 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): acc 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): auth_db 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): presence 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): presence_xml 0(407) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [-127] pid [407] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): nathelper 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): rtpproxy 0(407) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): tls 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:187]: TLSs<default>: tls_method=9 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:199]: TLSs<default>: certificate='/usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio-selfsigned.pem' 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:206]: TLSs<default>: ca_list='(null)' 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:213]: TLSs<default>: crl='(null)' 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:217]: TLSs<default>: require_certificate=0 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:224]: TLSs<default>: cipher_list='(null)' 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:231]: TLSs<default>: private_key='/usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio-selfsigned.key' 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:235]: TLSs<default>: verify_certificate=0 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:238]: TLSs<default>: verify_depth=9 0(407) DEBUG: tls [tls_domain.c:438]: TLSs<default>: No CA list configured 0(407) DEBUG: tls [tls_domain.c:475]: TLSs<default>: No CRL configured 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:576]: TLSs<default>: No client certificate required and no checks performed 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:187]: TLSc<default>: tls_method=9 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:199]: TLSc<default>: certificate='(null)' 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:206]: TLSc<default>: ca_list='(null)' 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:213]: TLSc<default>: crl='(null)' 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:217]: TLSc<default>: require_certificate=1 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:224]: TLSc<default>: cipher_list='(null)' 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:231]: TLSc<default>: private_key='(null)' 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:235]: TLSc<default>: verify_certificate=1 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:238]: TLSc<default>: verify_depth=9 0(407) DEBUG: tls [tls_domain.c:408]: TLSc<default>: No certificate configured 0(407) DEBUG: tls [tls_domain.c:438]: TLSc<default>: No CA list configured 0(407) DEBUG: tls [tls_domain.c:475]: TLSc<default>: No CRL configured 0(407) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:561]: TLSc<default>: Server MUST present valid certificate 0(407) DEBUG: tls [tls_domain.c:917]: TLSs<default>: Key '/usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio-selfsigned.key' successfuly loaded 0(407) DEBUG: tls [tls_domain.c:877]: TLSc<default>: No private key specified 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): debugger 0(407) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (-127) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-127): xcap_server 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): mi_fifo 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): kex 1(408) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (1) 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-198-] (0 / 18) 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): corex 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): tm 1(408) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-408@' 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): sl 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): usrloc 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-198-] (0 / 18) 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): mi_fifo 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): kex 2(409) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (2) 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-199-] (0 / 18) 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): corex 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): tm 2(409) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-409@' 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): sl 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): usrloc 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-199-] (0 / 18) 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): registrar 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-199-] (0 / 18) 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): ctl 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): mi_rpc 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): acc 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): auth_db 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): mi_fifo 2(409) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:118]: allocate 56 bytes for result set at 0x7fb1a802b580 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:68]: 17 columns returned from the query 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:155]: allocate 136 bytes for result names at 0x7fb1a802b610 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:165]: allocate 68 bytes for result types at 0x7fb1a804fa10 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a804fa80 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): kex 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fa80)[0]=[username] 3(410) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (3) 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[1] at 0x7fb1a804fab0 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fab0)[1]=[contact] 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[2] at 0x7fb1a804fae0 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-19a-] (0 / 18) 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fae0)[2]=[expires] 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:116]: use DB1_DATETIME result type 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): corex 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[3] at 0x7fb1a804fb10 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fb10)[3]=[q] 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): tm 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:111]: use DB1_DOUBLE result type 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[4] at 0x7fb1a804fb40 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fb40)[4]=[callid] 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[5] at 0x7fb1a804fb70 3(410) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-410@' 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fb70)[5]=[cseq] 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): sl 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[6] at 0x7fb1a804fba0 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fba0)[6]=[flags] 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): usrloc 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[7] at 0x7fb1a804fbd0 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fbd0)[7]=[cflags] 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-19a-] (0 / 18) 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[8] at 0x7fb1a804fc00 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fc00)[8]=[user_agent] 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): registrar 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-19a-] (0 / 18) 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): ctl 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[9] at 0x7fb1a804fc30 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fc30)[9]=[received] 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[10] at 0x7fb1a804fc60 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fc60)[10]=[path] 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[11] at 0x7fb1a804fc90 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fc90)[11]=[socket] 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[12] at 0x7fb1a804fcc0 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): mi_rpc 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): acc 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): auth_db 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fcc0)[12]=[methods] 2(409) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[13] at 0x7fb1a804fcf0 2(409) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fcf0)[13]=[last_modified] 2(409) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:116]: use DB1_DATETIME result type 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[14] at 0x7fb1a804fd20 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fd20)[14]=[ruid] 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[15] at 0x7fb1a804fd50 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fd50)[15]=[instance] 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:136]: use DB1_STRING result type 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:85]: allocate 16 bytes for RES_NAMES[16] at 0x7fb1a804fd80 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): presence 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:92]: RES_NAMES(0x7fb1a804fd80)[16]=[reg_id] 3(410) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_res.c:100]: use DB1_INT result type 1(408) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_dbase.c:330]: no rows returned from the query 1(408) DEBUG: usrloc [udomain.c:429]: table is empty 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:81]: freeing 17 columns 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[0] at 0x7fb1a804fa80 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 found in pool 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[1] at 0x7fb1a804fab0 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[2] at 0x7fb1a804fae0 2(409) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 2: Database connection opened successfully 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[3] at 0x7fb1a804fb10 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[4] at 0x7fb1a804fb40 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): presence_xml 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[5] at 0x7fb1a804fb70 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[6] at 0x7fb1a804fba0 2(409) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [2] pid [409] 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[7] at 0x7fb1a804fbd0 2(409) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 2: Database connection opened successfully 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[8] at 0x7fb1a804fc00 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[9] at 0x7fb1a804fc30 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): nathelper 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[10] at 0x7fb1a804fc60 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[11] at 0x7fb1a804fc90 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): mi_fifo 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[12] at 0x7fb1a804fcc0 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[13] at 0x7fb1a804fcf0 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): rtpproxy 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[14] at 0x7fb1a804fd20 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[15] at 0x7fb1a804fd50 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): mi_fifo 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:85]: freeing RES_NAMES[16] at 0x7fb1a804fd80 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:94]: freeing result names at 0x7fb1a802b610 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:99]: freeing result types at 0x7fb1a804fa10 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db_res.c:136]: freeing result set at 0x7fb1a802b580 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): registrar 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-198-] (0 / 18) 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): ctl 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): kex 5(412) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (5) 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): mi_rpc 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): acc 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-19c-] (0 / 18) 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): auth_db 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): corex 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fa10 found in pool 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): tm 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): presence 5(412) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-412@' 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): sl 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b610 found in pool 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): usrloc 1(408) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 1: Database connection opened successfully 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): presence_xml 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-19c-] (0 / 18) 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): registrar 1(408) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [1] pid [408] 1(408) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 1: Database connection opened successfully 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): nathelper 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-19c-] (0 / 18) 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): ctl 3(410) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): rtpproxy 3(410) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 3(410) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): mi_rpc 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): presence 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): acc 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): auth_db 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 found in pool 3(410) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 3: Database connection opened successfully 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): presence_xml 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): mi_fifo 3(410) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [3] pid [410] 3(410) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 3: Database connection opened successfully 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): nathelper 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): rtpproxy 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): kex 6(413) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (6) 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): mi_fifo 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-19d-] (0 / 18) 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): mi_fifo 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): corex 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): tm 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): kex 6(413) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-413@' 7(414) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (7) 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): sl 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): usrloc 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-19e-] (0 / 18) 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-19d-] (0 / 18) 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): registrar 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): corex 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): tm 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-19d-] (0 / 18) 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): ctl 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): kex 7(414) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-414@' 8(415) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (8) 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): sl 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): usrloc 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): mi_rpc 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): mi_fifo 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-19e-] (0 / 18) 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-19f-] (0 / 18) 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): acc 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): registrar 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): auth_db 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): corex 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-19e-] (0 / 18) 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): ctl 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): tm 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): kex 9(416) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (9) 8(415) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-415@' 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): mi_rpc 6(413) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): sl 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): acc 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-1a0-] (0 / 18) 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): usrloc 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): auth_db 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): corex 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-19f-] (0 / 18) 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): tm 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): registrar 9(416) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-416@' 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-19f-] (0 / 18) 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): sl 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): ctl 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): usrloc 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1a0-] (0 / 18) 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): registrar 7(414) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-1a0-] (0 / 18) 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): ctl 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): mi_rpc 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): acc 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): auth_db 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): mi_rpc 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): acc 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): auth_db 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): mi_fifo 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 8(415) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): kex 9(416) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 10(417) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (10) 6(413) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 6(413) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 6(413) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-1a1-] (0 / 18) 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): presence 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): corex 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): tm 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 found in pool 10(417) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-417@' 6(413) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 6: Database connection opened successfully 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): sl 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): presence_xml 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): usrloc 6(413) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [6] pid [413] 6(413) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 6: Database connection opened successfully 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1a1-] (0 / 18) 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): nathelper 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): registrar 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): mi_fifo 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): mi_fifo 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): mi_fifo 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): mi_fifo 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): kex 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): kex 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): kex 11(418) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (11) 12(419) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (12) 13(420) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (-1) 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-1a2-] (0 / 18) 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-1a4-] (0 / 18) 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-1a3-] (0 / 18) 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): corex 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): corex 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): corex 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): tm 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): tm 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): tm 13(420) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-420@' 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): sl 11(418) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-418@' 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): usrloc 12(419) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-419@' 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): sl 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): sl 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1a4-] (0 / 18) 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): usrloc 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): usrloc 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1a2-] (0 / 18) 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1a3-] (0 / 18) 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): registrar 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): registrar 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-1a2-] (0 / 18) 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-1a3-] (0 / 18) 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): ctl 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): ctl 13(420) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): mi_rpc 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): acc 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): mi_rpc 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): auth_db 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): acc 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): auth_db 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): mi_fifo 11(418) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 12(419) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 5(412) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 13(420) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 13(420) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 13(420) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): kex 2(409) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): registrar 4(411) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (4) 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-1a4-] (0 / 18) 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-19b-] (0 / 18) 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): ctl 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): corex 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-1a1-] (0 / 18) 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): rtpproxy 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): ctl 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): mi_rpc 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): acc 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): auth_db 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): mi_rpc 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 found in pool 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): acc 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): auth_db 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): presence 12(419) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 12(419) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 12(419) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fa80 found in pool 13(420) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child -1: Database connection opened successfully 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): presence 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): presence_xml 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 13(420) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [-1] pid [420] 13(420) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child -1: Database connection opened successfully 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): nathelper 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 found in pool 12(419) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 12: Database connection opened successfully 10(417) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): presence_xml 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): rtpproxy 12(419) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [12] pid [419] 12(419) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 12: Database connection opened successfully 7(414) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): nathelper 7(414) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 7(414) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): rtpproxy 8(415) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): presence 8(415) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 8(415) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): presence 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 found in pool 7(414) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 7: Database connection opened successfully 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): presence_xml 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 found in pool 7(414) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [7] pid [414] 7(414) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 7: Database connection opened successfully 8(415) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 8: Database connection opened successfully 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): nathelper 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): presence_xml 8(415) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [8] pid [415] 8(415) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 8: Database connection opened successfully 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): rtpproxy 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): nathelper 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): rtpproxy 9(416) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 9(416) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 9(416) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): presence 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 found in pool 9(416) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 9: Database connection opened successfully 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): presence_xml 9(416) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [9] pid [416] 9(416) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 9: Database connection opened successfully 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): nathelper 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): rtpproxy 5(412) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): kex 5(412) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 5(412) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 14(421) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (-1) 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): presence 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-1a5-] (0 / 18) 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): corex 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 found in pool 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): tm 5(412) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 5: Database connection opened successfully 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): presence_xml 14(421) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-421@' 5(412) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [5] pid [412] 5(412) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 5: Database connection opened successfully 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): sl 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): nathelper 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): usrloc 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): rtpproxy 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1a5-] (0 / 18) 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): tm 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 4(411) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-411@' 14(421) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): sl 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): usrloc 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-19b-] (0 / 18) 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): registrar 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-19b-] (0 / 18) 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): ctl 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): mi_rpc 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): acc 11(418) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): auth_db 10(417) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 11(418) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 11(418) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 10(417) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 10(417) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): kex 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): presence 0(407) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (0) 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): presence 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-197-] (0 / 18) 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 found in pool 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): corex 11(418) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 11: Database connection opened successfully 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): tm 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): presence_xml 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 found in pool 11(418) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [11] pid [418] 10(417) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 10: Database connection opened successfully 0(407) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-407@' 4(411) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 11(418) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 11: Database connection opened successfully 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): sl 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): presence_xml 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): nathelper 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): usrloc 10(417) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [10] pid [417] 10(417) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 10: Database connection opened successfully 15(426) DEBUG: mi_fifo [mi_fifo.c:223]: new process with pid = 426 created 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): nathelper 1(408) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): rtpproxy 3(410) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): rtpproxy 15(426) DEBUG: mi_fifo [fifo_fnc.c:76]: FIFO created @ /tmp/kamailio_fifo 15(426) DEBUG: mi_fifo [fifo_fnc.c:91]: fifo /tmp/kamailio_fifo opened, mode=660 15(426) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a802b4b0 not found in pool 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-197-] (0 / 18) 14(421) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 14(421) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 14(421) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 15(426) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): registrar 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-1a5-] (0 / 18) 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): ctl 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): mi_rpc 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): acc 4(411) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): auth_db 4(411) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 4(411) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 found in pool 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): presence 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): presence 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fa80 found in pool 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 found in pool 14(421) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child -1: Database connection opened successfully 4(411) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 4: Database connection opened successfully 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): presence_xml 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): presence_xml 14(421) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [-1] pid [421] 4(411) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [4] pid [411] 14(421) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child -1: Database connection opened successfully 4(411) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 4: Database connection opened successfully 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): nathelper 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): nathelper 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): rtpproxy 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): rtpproxy 15(426) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 15(426) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 15(426) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 15(426) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1aa-] (0 / 18) 15(426) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b660 found in pool 15(426) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:519]: Database connection opened successfully 15(426) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a8049570 found in pool 15(426) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:519]: Database connection opened successfully 15(426) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:309]: Database connection opened successfully 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804d500 not found in pool 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 0(407) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): registrar 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-197-] (0 / 18) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): ctl 0(407) DEBUG: ctl [ctl.c:311]: ctl: mod_child(0), ctrl_sock_lst=0xe52a30 0(407) DEBUG: ctl [ctl.c:319]: ctl: mod_child(0), fork_process=431, csl=0xe52a30 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): mi_rpc 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): acc 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): auth_db 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): presence 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): presence_xml 0(407) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [0] pid [407] 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): nathelper 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): mi_fifo 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): kex 16(431) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (-2) 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-1af-] (0 / 18) 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): corex 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): tm 16(431) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-431@' 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): sl 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): usrloc 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1af-] (0 / 18) 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): registrar 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-1af-] (0 / 18) 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): ctl 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): mi_rpc 16(431) DEBUG: mi_rpc [mi_rpc_mod.c:106]: initializing child[-2] for rpc handling 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [db_id.c:292]: identical DB URLs, but different DB connection pid [431/407] 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 not found in pool 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): rtpproxy 16(431) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 6(413) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 7(414) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 8(415) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 5(412) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 10(417) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): tls 14(421) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): debugger 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): mi_fifo 6(413) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (6) 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): xcap_server 6(413) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fae0 found in pool 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): tls 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): debugger 7(414) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (7) 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): xcap_server 4(411) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 7(414) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fae0 found in pool 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): tls 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): debugger 14(421) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (-1) 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): tls 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): xcap_server 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): debugger 14(421) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fc70 found in pool 5(412) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (5) 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): tls 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): xcap_server 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): tls 13(420) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 5(412) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fae0 found in pool 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): debugger 2(409) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (2) 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): kex 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): xcap_server 17(432) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (-1) 2(409) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fae0 found in pool 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-1b0-] (0 / 18) 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): debugger 4(411) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (4) 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): corex 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): xcap_server 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): tm 4(411) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fae0 found in pool 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): tls 17(432) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-432@' 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): sl 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): debugger 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): usrloc 8(415) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (8) 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): xcap_server 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1b0-] (0 / 18) 9(416) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 8(415) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fae0 found in pool 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): tls 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): debugger 10(417) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (10) 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): tls 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (10): xcap_server 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): tls 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): debugger 10(417) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fae0 found in pool 1(408) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (1) 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): debugger 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): xcap_server 3(410) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (3) 1(408) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a802b670 found in pool 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): xcap_server 3(410) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fae0 found in pool 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [db_id.c:292]: identical DB URLs, but different DB connection pid [432/407] 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a802b5c0 not found in pool 11(418) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 16(431) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 17(432) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 0(407) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 16(431) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 12(419) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 16(431) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1af-] (0 / 18) 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fad0 found in pool 16(431) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:519]: Database connection opened successfully 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fc60 found in pool 16(431) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:519]: Database connection opened successfully 16(431) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:309]: Database connection opened successfully 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): acc 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): auth_db 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a8044ce0 found in pool 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): presence 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a8044e40 found in pool 16(431) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child -2: Database connection opened successfully 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): presence_xml 16(431) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [-2] pid [431] 16(431) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child -2: Database connection opened successfully 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): nathelper 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): rtpproxy 17(432) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 17(432) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 17(432) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): registrar 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-1b0-] (0 / 18) 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): ctl 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): mi_rpc 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): acc 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): auth_db 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fad0 found in pool 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): presence 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fc60 found in pool 17(432) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child -1: Database connection opened successfully 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): presence_xml 17(432) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [-1] pid [432] 17(432) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child -1: Database connection opened successfully 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): nathelper 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): rtpproxy 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): tls 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): debugger 13(420) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (-1) 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): xcap_server 16(431) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 13(420) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fc70 found in pool 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): tls 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): tls 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): debugger 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): debugger 11(418) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (11) 12(419) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (12) 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (11): xcap_server 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (12): xcap_server 11(418) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fae0 found in pool 12(419) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fae0 found in pool 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): tls 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): debugger 0(407) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (0) 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): xcap_server 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): tls 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): debugger 9(416) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (9) 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): mi_fifo 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (9): xcap_server 17(432) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 9(416) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fae0 found in pool 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): mi_fifo 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): kex 18(435) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (13) 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-1b3-] (0 / 18) 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): mi_fifo 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): corex 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): kex 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): tm 19(436) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (14) 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): mi_fifo 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-1b4-] (0 / 18) 18(435) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-435@' 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): corex 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): sl 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): tm 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): usrloc 19(436) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-436@' 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1b3-] (0 / 18) 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): kex 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): sl 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): kex 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): registrar 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): usrloc 21(438) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (16) 20(437) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (15) 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-1b3-] (0 / 18) 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1b4-] (0 / 18) 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): ctl 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): registrar 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-1b6-] (0 / 18) 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-1b5-] (0 / 18) 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-1b4-] (0 / 18) 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): corex 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): ctl 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): corex 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): tm 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): tm 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): mi_rpc 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): acc 20(437) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-437@' 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): mi_rpc 21(438) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-438@' 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): sl 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): acc 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): sl 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): auth_db 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): auth_db 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): usrloc 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): usrloc 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1b5-] (0 / 18) 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1b6-] (0 / 18) 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): registrar 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): registrar 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [db_id.c:292]: identical DB URLs, but different DB connection pid [436/407] 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [db_id.c:292]: identical DB URLs, but different DB connection pid [435/407] 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804fa50 not found in pool 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-1b5-] (0 / 18) 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-1b6-] (0 / 18) 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804fa50 not found in pool 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): ctl 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): ctl 19(436) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 18(435) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): mi_rpc 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): mi_rpc 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): acc 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): acc 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): auth_db 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): auth_db 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [db_id.c:292]: identical DB URLs, but different DB connection pid [438/407] 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [db_id.c:292]: identical DB URLs, but different DB connection pid [437/407] 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804fa50 not found in pool 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:318]: connection 0x7fb1a804fa50 not found in pool 21(438) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 20(437) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:94]: opening connection: mysql://xxxx:xxxx@localhost/kamailio 0(407) DEBUG: <core> [main.c:1757]: Expect maximum 2172 open fds 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): mi_fifo 18(435) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 18(435) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 18(435) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): kex 22(439) DEBUG: kex [kex_mod.c:156]: rank is (-4) 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): presence 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [srid-520b90bf-1b7-] (0 / 18) 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fc00 found in pool 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): corex 18(435) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 13: Database connection opened successfully 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): presence_xml 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): tm 18(435) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [13] pid [435] 18(435) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 13: Database connection opened successfully 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): nathelper 22(439) DEBUG: tm [callid.c:137]: DEBUG: callid: ' 66737cc92b1a5c26-439@' 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): sl 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): rtpproxy 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): tls 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): usrloc 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): debugger 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [ulcx-520b90bf-1b7-] (0 / 18) 16(431) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (-2) 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): registrar 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): xcap_server 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sruid.c:100]: root for sruid is [uloc-520b90bf-1b7-] (0 / 18) 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): ctl 16(431) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a8045030 found in pool 16(431) DEBUG: ctl [ctl.c:319]: ctl: mod_child(0), fork_process=0, csl=0xe52a30 16(431) DEBUG: ctl [ctl.c:326]: ctl: 0 io_listen_loop(1, 0xe52a30) 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): mi_rpc 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): acc 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): auth_db 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): presence 16(431) INFO: ctl [io_listener.c:225]: io_listen_loop: using epoll_lt io watch method (config) 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): presence_xml 22(439) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [-4] pid [439] 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): nathelper 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): rtpproxy 16(431) DEBUG: ctl [io_listener.c:257]: io_listen_loop: adding socket 4, type 2, transport 3 (/tmp/kamailio_ctl) 16(431) DEBUG: ctl [../../io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x7fb1a44a2360, 4, 2, 0xe52a30), fd_no=0 20(437) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 20(437) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 20(437) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 19(436) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 19(436) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 19(436) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): presence 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): presence 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fc00 found in pool 20(437) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 15: Database connection opened successfully 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fc00 found in pool 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): presence_xml 19(436) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 14: Database connection opened successfully 20(437) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [15] pid [437] 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): presence_xml 20(437) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 15: Database connection opened successfully 19(436) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [14] pid [436] 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): nathelper 19(436) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 14: Database connection opened successfully 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): nathelper 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): rtpproxy 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): rtpproxy 21(438) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:121]: connection type is Localhost via UNIX socket 21(438) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:122]: protocol version is 10 21(438) DEBUG: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:123]: server version is 5.1.70-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): presence 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a804fc00 found in pool 21(438) DEBUG: presence [presence.c:474]: child 16: Database connection opened successfully 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): presence_xml 21(438) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:316]: [16] pid [438] 21(438) DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:341]: child 16: Database connection opened successfully 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): nathelper 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): rtpproxy root@machine0:/home/administrator# 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): tls 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): debugger 17(432) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (-1) 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): xcap_server 17(432) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a8044ce0 found in pool 19(436) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 20(437) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 18(435) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 21(438) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): tls 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): debugger 19(436) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (14) 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): tls 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (14): xcap_server 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): debugger 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): tls 20(437) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (15) 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a8044ce0 found in pool 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): debugger 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (15): xcap_server 18(435) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (13) 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (13): xcap_server 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a8044ce0 found in pool 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a8044ce0 found in pool 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [local_timer.c:74]: init_local_timer: timer_list between 0x885d88 and 0x8c9d88 19(436) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x885bc0, 40, 1, (nil)), fd_no=0 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [local_timer.c:74]: init_local_timer: timer_list between 0x885d88 and 0x8c9d88 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): tls 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [local_timer.c:74]: init_local_timer: timer_list between 0x885d88 and 0x8c9d88 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): debugger 18(435) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x885bc0, 38, 1, (nil)), fd_no=0 20(437) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x885bc0, 42, 1, (nil)), fd_no=0 21(438) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (16) 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (16): xcap_server 22(439) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [db.c:327]: connection 0x7fb1a8044ce0 found in pool 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [local_timer.c:74]: init_local_timer: timer_list between 0x885d88 and 0x8c9d88 21(438) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x885bc0, 44, 1, (nil)), fd_no=0 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): tls 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): debugger 22(439) DEBUG: debugger [debugger_mod.c:124]: rank is (-4) 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [sr_module.c:892]: DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): xcap_server 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [local_timer.c:74]: init_local_timer: timer_list between 0x841b28 and 0x885b28 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 10, 1, 0x7fb1a8050490), fd_no=0 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 11, 1, 0x7fb1a80505f0), fd_no=1 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 12, 1, 0x7fb1a8050750), fd_no=2 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 13, 1, 0x7fb1a80508b0), fd_no=3 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 14, 1, 0x7fb1a8050a10), fd_no=4 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 15, 1, 0x7fb1a8050b70), fd_no=5 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 17, 4, 0x7fb199e4852c), fd_no=6 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 18, 4, 0x7fb199e485b8), fd_no=7 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 19, 4, 0x7fb199e48644), fd_no=8 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 20, 4, 0x7fb199e486d0), fd_no=9 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 21, 4, 0x7fb199e4875c), fd_no=10 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 22, 4, 0x7fb199e487e8), fd_no=11 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 23, 4, 0x7fb199e48874), fd_no=12 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 24, 4, 0x7fb199e48900), fd_no=13 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 25, 4, 0x7fb199e4898c), fd_no=14 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 26, 4, 0x7fb199e48a18), fd_no=15 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 27, 4, 0x7fb199e48aa4), fd_no=16 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 28, 4, 0x7fb199e48b30), fd_no=17 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 29, 4, 0x7fb199e48bbc), fd_no=18 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 30, 4, 0x7fb199e48c48), fd_no=19 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 31, 4, 0x7fb199e48cd4), fd_no=20 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 33, 4, 0x7fb199e48d60), fd_no=21 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 4, 4, 0x7fb199e48dec), fd_no=22 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 35, 4, 0x7fb199e48e78), fd_no=23 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 36, 4, 0x7fb199e48f04), fd_no=24 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 38, 4, 0x7fb199e48f90), fd_no=25 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 40, 4, 0x7fb199e4901c), fd_no=26 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 37, 3, 0x7fb1a802b5e0), fd_no=27 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 39, 3, 0x7fb1a802b600), fd_no=28 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 41, 3, 0x7fb1a802b620), fd_no=29 22(439) DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:390]: DBG: io_watch_add(0x841960, 43, 3, 0x7fb1a802b640), fd_no=30
Restarting Kamailio: loading modules under /usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules_k/:/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/ Listening on udp: udp: 67.***.**.***:5060 udp: 68.***.***.***:5060 tcp: tcp: 67.*.*.*:5060 tcp: 68.*.*.*:5060 tls: tls: 67.***.**.***:5061 tls: 68.***.***.***:5061 Aliases: tls: localhost:5061 tcp: localhost:5060 udp: localhost:5060
kamailio started.
0(315) INFO: tls [tls_init.c:385]: tls: init_tls: disabling compression... 0(315) INFO: <core> [tcp_main.c:4846]: init_tcp: using epoll_lt as the io watch method (auto detected) 0(317) INFO: rr [../outbound/api.h:49]: Failed to import bind_ob 0(317) INFO: rr [rr_mod.c:159]: outbound module not available 0(317) INFO: usrloc [hslot.c:53]: locks array size 512 0(317) INFO: auth [auth_mod.c:350]: auth: qop set, but nonce-count (nc_enabled) support disabled 0(317) WARNING: xhttp [xhttp_mod.c:125]: event_route[xhttp:request] is empty 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_init.c:549]: tls: _init_tls_h: compiled with openssl version "OpenSSL 0.9.8k 25 Mar 2009" (0x009080bf), kerberos support: off, compression: on 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_init.c:557]: tls: init_tls_h: installed openssl library version "OpenSSL 0.9.8k 25 Mar 2009" (0x009080bf), kerberos support: off, zlib compression: on compiler: cc -fPIC -DOPENSSL_PIC -DZLIB -DOPENSSL_THREADS -D_REENTRANT -DDSO_DLFCN -DHAVE_DLFCN_H -m64 -DL_ENDIAN -DTERMIO -O3 -Wa,--noexecstack -g -Wall -DMD32_REG_T=int -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT -DSHA1_ASM -DSHA256_ASM -DSHA512_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DAES_ASM 0(317) WARNING: tls [tls_init.c:611]: tls: openssl bug #1491 (crash/mem leaks on low memory) workaround enabled (on low memory tls operations will fail preemptively) with free memory thresholds 12058624 and 6029312 bytes 0(317) INFO: <core> [cfg/cfg_ctx.c:613]: INFO: cfg_set_now(): tls.low_mem_threshold1 has been changed to 12058624 0(317) INFO: <core> [cfg/cfg_ctx.c:613]: INFO: cfg_set_now(): tls.low_mem_threshold2 has been changed to 6029312 0(317) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:179]: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 124928 0(317) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:230]: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 262142 0(317) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:179]: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 124928 0(317) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:230]: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 262142 0(317) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:179]: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 124928 0(317) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:230]: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 262142 0(317) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:187]: TLSs<default>: tls_method=9 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:199]: TLSs<default>: certificate='/usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio-selfsigned.pem' 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:206]: TLSs<default>: ca_list='(null)' 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:213]: TLSs<default>: crl='(null)' 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:217]: TLSs<default>: require_certificate=0 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:224]: TLSs<default>: cipher_list='(null)' 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:231]: TLSs<default>: private_key='/usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio-selfsigned.key' 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:235]: TLSs<default>: verify_certificate=0 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:238]: TLSs<default>: verify_depth=9 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:576]: TLSs<default>: No client certificate required and no checks performed 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:187]: TLSc<default>: tls_method=9 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:199]: TLSc<default>: certificate='(null)' 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:206]: TLSc<default>: ca_list='(null)' 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:213]: TLSc<default>: crl='(null)' 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:217]: TLSc<default>: require_certificate=1 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:224]: TLSc<default>: cipher_list='(null)' 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:231]: TLSc<default>: private_key='(null)' 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:235]: TLSc<default>: verify_certificate=1 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:238]: TLSc<default>: verify_depth=9 0(317) INFO: tls [tls_domain.c:561]: TLSc<default>: Server MUST present valid certificate 1(318) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 4(321) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 5(322) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 7(324) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 8(325) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 10(327) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 11(329) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 2(319) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 3(320) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 13(333) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 9(326) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 12(331) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 6(323) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 16(341) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 0(317) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 14(335) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 17(342) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled root@machine0:/home/administrator# 16(341) INFO: ctl [io_listener.c:225]: io_listen_loop: using epoll_lt io watch method (config) 18(345) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 19(346) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 22(351) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 21(350) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled 20(348) INFO: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1559]: rtp proxy udp:localhost:7722 found, support for it enabled