At 05:48 AM 4/20/2003, jimmy_huang wrote:
hello... I want to build a small and workable ser (let user can sending messages , registering , talking via ser...) ,
Why do you think you need static modules for that?
and build needed modules to static modules
, what modules should I build in with static modules?
Whichever you need and whichever the core is set to link statically.
I tried built tm,sl,rr,maxfwd,usrloc these modules to static modules , but it has some compiling sr_module.o only when build usrloc modules to static modules,
does "usrloc" modules can't build to static modules? or i have missing something??
Indeed -- usrloc didn't link statically, its changed now -- thanks. Note that we actually do that only for few modules, primarily for those we want to profile.