On 20-11 10:21, Peter David wrote:
Hello everyone,
I am in the process of installing ser-0.8.11_src.tar.gz into a Linux 9 box and I had followed the instrictions from the Install doc link http://cvs.berlios.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/ser/sip_router/INSTALL
Building ser From Source Distribution
However, when looking at all the file generated, I don't see a and ser startup file in the /etc/init.d/ directory
The startup file is not installed automatically, you must do it by hand. You can find the script in sip_router/rpm (for redhat and SuSE),
I ran the rpm version but in this version I don't see the file.
here are the files:
/usr/local/etc/ser /usr/local/lib/ser /usr/local/sbin/ser /usr/local/share/doc/ser
Is tere a way some one can send me a startup script for the /etc/init.d/ directory?
What distribution are you using ?