I am going to create the GIT branch 3.3 in short time -- this branch will be used for releasing 3.3.x versions.
After that master can take again commits of new features, to be part of next major release 3.4.x. Branch 3.3 will take only fixes.
From my point of view, I have two issues that I am trying to solve and the 3.3.0 is ready to go out, namely: - a solaris sigbus - pua_dialoginfo issue reported on mailing list
Otherwise, nothing else critcal is out there, to my knowledge. Report them if you have other ones. Packaging specs were updated, so we are pretty much ready to release when no relevant issues is open.
The wiki page with what is new in this release was updated a bit as well, add if you find something missing at: - http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/features/new-in-devel
Also, contribute to the upgrade guidelines: - http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/install/upgrade/3.2.x-to-3.3.0
Cheer, Daniel