Hi all. Have a problem with radius authorization.
I'm using auth_radius.so
modparams, only path to client file: modparam("auth_radius", "radius_config", "/etc/radiusclient/radiusclient.conf")
Freeradius installed and is working properly, radtest authentication from kamailio host succeed .
How authorization block looks like:
if (!is_present_hf("Authorization")) { xlog("L_NOTICE", "----- Athorization HF is not found - passing the challenge -----\n");
if (nat_uac_test("2")) { force_rport(); }
www_challenge("$fd", "1"); exit;
if (!radius_www_authorize("$fd","$fU")) {
if (nat_uac_test("2")) { force_rport(); } xlog("L_NOTICE", "----- Registeration $au@$ar ($fU) from $si:$sp Rejected. Code: $rc -----\n");
sl_send_reply("401","Unauthorized"); exit;
Radius log is filled by rows like: Auth: [digest] Cleartext-Password or Digest-HA1 is required for authentication.
Tried to use radius_www_authorize without $fU - didn't change anything. Tried to use www_challenge without qop - didn't change anything.
So, this solution is quite simple, but I have a fail while digest authentication. Any ideas?