Understood. Thanks for sharing your final solution, added the list as well that others can
benefit from it.
From: mohsen khashei <mkhashei(a)gmail.com>
Sent: Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023 12:37
To: Henning Westerholt <hw(a)gilawa.com>
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Re: where add contact header to ack for fail messages
I need it for an application server after kamailio. Finally I add contact to the message
by ac_extra_hdrs of tm module with a p header.
On Thu, May 11, 2023, 15:01 Henning Westerholt
<hw@gilawa.com<mailto:hw@gilawa.com>> wrote:
why you actually need to add the Contact header to the ACK? According to the RFC 3261 is
should be an optional header to that message.
-----Original Message-----
From: James Browne <james@frideo.com<mailto:james@frideo.com>>
Sent: Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2023 14:08
To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List
Subject: [SR-Users] Re: where add contact header to ack for fail messages
I made simple tests and it seems that this is a kamailio-TM-internal message being sent,
not being processed by the cfg file.
If this is simple enough and deterministic, you may consider using the corex module to
edit the message as it's being sent "on the wire". I can't think of any
other solution.
You may be able to write some code that manipulates the message to manually add the
Contact header. Maybe even the append_hf function may work here, but it seems unlikely.
On Mon, 8 May 2023 at 12:28, mohsen khashei
<mkhashei@gmail.com<mailto:mkhashei@gmail.com>> wrote:
thanks for the reply I tried it and it didn't work. also I tried onsend_route with no
On Sun, May 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM Yuriy G
<ovoshlook@gmail.com<mailto:ovoshlook@gmail.com>> wrote:
Try here
However I would doubt first do I do something right by adding contact to ACK message
wichbasicaly confirmation of the final transaction and contact here is meaningless.
On Sun, 7 May 2023, 16:48 mohsen khashei,
<mkhashei@gmail.com<mailto:mkhashei@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi I want to know where kamailio sends ack messages to faiurel messages (status >=400)
so that I I add Contact header to the ack.
I tried WITHINDLG with no luck.
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