i tried to embed a PV in regex transformation, but didn't get desired result. is it possible or must regex only contain strings.
here is an example, where the idea is to strip string "456" from the end of string "123456":
$var(test) = "123456"; $var(rest) = "456"; $var(test) = $(var(test){re.subst,/^(.*)$var(rest)$/\1/}); xlog("result is $var(test)\n");
unfortunately, the result is 0 rather than "123".
i also tried
$var(test) = $(var(test){re.subst,/^(.*)$var(rest)$/\1/});
$var(test) = $(var(test){re.subst,/^(.*)$(var(rest))$/\1/});
but still 0.
-- juha