Thank You Andreas.!!
Let me try... =)
On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 09:04 +0200, Andreas Granig wrote:
Sergio Diaz wrote:
Group marketing 8000,8001,8002
Group sales 9000,9001,9002
User 8000 can't call to User 9000 and viceversa, marketing can't call to group sales....
Maybe you should try something like this:
if (!proxy_authorize("your.domain", "subscriber")) { log(1, "No proxy authorization\n"); proxy_challenge("your.domain", "0"); break; };
if(!(uri=~"^sip:8[0-9]+@your.domain.*" && is_user_in("credentials", "marketing"))) { log(1, "Unpermitted call to marketing\n"); sl_send_reply("403", "Unpermitted call to marketing"); break; };
if(!(uri=~"^sip:9[0-9]+@your.domain.*" && is_user_in("credentials", "sales"))) { log(1, "Unpermitted call to sales\n"); sl_send_reply("403", "Unpermitted call to sales"); break; };
hth, Andy
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