On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 01:48:15AM +0100, Jiri Kuthan wrote:
SER has always matched against request URI and that's the proper thing to do. The INVITE above should be processed using Route processing, as for example in default script.
Testing the same configuration (adjusted for syntax changes) with 0.8.10 and 0.8.12 reveals that the two versions handle the request differently. With 0.8.10, the request is rewritten and forwarded to with 0.8.12 it is not.
Section example 2-7 of the Admin guide[1] shows almost exactly the syntax and matching I'm trying to use.
Additionally, your statement doesn't explain why the same config would work for the Cisco but not the Snom. They both have the same To: request, but different INVITE lines. The Snom request is forwarded based on the configuration's default rather than the above special condition, while the Cisco's is handled by the special condition as I would have expected both to be. I can provide full configuration files and ngrep's for test's from both phones with both 0.8.10 and 0.8.12, if it would help.
[1] - http://iptel.org/ser/doc/seruser/seruser.html