On 10.09.2009 13:09 Uhr, IƱaki Baz Castillo wrote:
2009/9/10 Chandrakant Solanki solanki.chandrakant@gmail.com:
I would like to print user@domainname while i execute kamctl online command...
This doesn't work if you use "db_mode 0" in "usrloc" module configuration as the users registrations are not keep in memory but just in DB.
probably by mistake you said the opposite: db_mode 0 keeps location records only in memory and no db -- this is the default mode, used in defautl config file where no database module is loaded.
To answer initial question, the output of "kamctl online" is a filtered version of "kamctl fifo ul_dump". Use the second along with sed/grep/perl/etc script to print the format you want. Also, to get multi-domain support, you have to set some module parameter.
Cheers, Daniel