Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
El Monday 15 October 2007 12:12:44 Klaus Darilion escribió:
What exactly do you want to achieve? Do you want to allow REFER only intradomain?
- Imagine you admin a OpenSer that gives service to 2 independent companies
(domain_A and domain_B).
- Imagine a user_A of domain_A calls to a user_B of domain_B.
- During the call user_A does REFER.
- OpenSer requires auth por REFER, so user_A sends auth (it can since it's a
local user).
- So finally user_B is transferred by an external user. Of course this is not
So I need to allow a REFER just if the caller and called are in the same domain, but REFER is in-dialog so there is not domain name in the URI.
just an idea: check if $fd of REFER is identical to domain in REFER to header - if not -> reject it.
Further, if B's phone send out the new INVITE, if $rd != $fd then do not send the call to the gateway.
regards klaus