Hi All,
I'm testing carrierroute module on version: kamailio 1.5.4-notls (i386/linux).
I'm distributing calls to a group of Asterisk servers, all in the same carrier and domain, wanted to load balance the calls and I'm curious how this works. I see the 'probability' parameter in the carrierroute table and set it to equal value across all servers, I have 4 servers I'm sending calls to, so I set each prob value to '0.25'. I'm testing with sipp and hashing over call_id so this is the same for every call. I send 40 calls and the distribution of calls to the asterisk servers are 11, 12, 6, 11, pretty close to even but not 100%.
How does the distribution algorithm work for carrieroute? Does it statefully track all active calls and load balance across each server in destination group? Is there another algorithm that can offer that can get closer to a round robin effect?
Another question is do I need to include the record_route() and the t_check_trans() functions prior to calling the carrierroute functions? I see in the debug "DBG:core:forward_reply: found module tm, passing reply to it" and dialogs seem to process fine, so does the carrierroute module handle those requirements for stateful processing?