I'm trying to generate call accounting in parallel and sequential forking,
but I think I'm missing something.
My ser.cfg is attached.
When I perform a call (parallel fork / sequential fork) I'm getting only
one miss report, for example:
1 - SER receives a INVITE
2 - INVITE is sent to A and B (parallel)
3 - A fails with 503
4 - B fails with 408 (TM generates 408)
5 - SER logs only 408!!! How about 503? Is there any way to account both
6 - As both calls failed, SER will continue with failure_route[1]
(sequential) that also fails with 408!!
7 - No account is generated!
8 - As the last call failed (failure_route[1]), it will continue with
failure_route[2] (sequential), that also fails with 408!!
9 - At this point, SER will account the last failure only if
failed_transactions is set to "1". Is this the correct behaviour?
Thanks in advance.
- ser.cfg
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