another way: you can do the check in route block, set some flag and then check the flag in failure_route. This can add an unnecessary check when the failure_route is not called, so the avpops might be better (will be executed only when needed).
Otherwise, I think that is_user_in() could be safely used in failure_route blocks (in cvs head version), but this has to be double-checked first.
On 11/17/04 10:43, Schweizer Laurent wrote:
I want to use is_user_in("Request-URI"…) in failure_route to check if the called number as activated a voicemail on busy or if he have right to make a call forwarding to a pstn destination. … but I can’t do this. (Command cannot be used in the block).
I think I can make this with avpops but I don’t know if this is a good solution (speed) .
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