Hi guys. Last week I compiled ser CVS-HEAD and went through the mailing list archives to determine what needed changing in ser.cfg to move from v0.9.6. However, starting ser fails with this error:
nick@customer-dev3:~> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/local/sbin/ser \ -P /var/run/ser/ser.pid -u ser -g ser -E -f /etc/ser/ser.cfg 0(12670) parse error (139,22-23): unknown command, missing loadmodule? ERROR: bad config file (1 errors) nick@customer-dev3:~>
Lines 138 and 139 are: lookup_user("Request-URI"); if (is_user_in("$t.uid", "disabled")) { which according to this snippet from a mailing list email, is correct: http://rafb.net/paste/results/CeCcPy17.html
I've posted my ser.cfg in case that can be of any help in solving this. http://rafb.net/paste/results/QXZYtn88.html
If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears! -- Nick e: nick.hoffman@altcall.com p: +61 7 5591 3588 f: +61 7 5591 6588
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