I'd like to add one more item. We are having a great deal of trouble
getting Verizon and Cisco to work together to resolve a question
about the ISDN signaling when using the CC-Diversion header to
redirect an unanswered call to an Octel 350 system hanging off a
Verizon DMS100.
The redirection works, the CC-Diversion header is applied, the
originally call number (OCN) is carried in the outbound signaling message
but the caller either 1) gets the general voicemail greeting if the calling
party number is not a valid voicemail box or 2) gets the voicemail
greeting associated with the calling party mailbox if the calling party
has a mailbox on the system. Yes I said *calling* party. The OCN
seems to be ignored. I'm still working on this but if you are in a
Centrex environment you may want to identify a telco support
contact to help make the redirection work.
Just a thought - Steve
Christopher Crawford wrote:
Thanks for the help with this question. The manual
provides an example
for a creating a header when diverting to voicemail for a negative
response. To support the draft
http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-levy-sip-diversion-08.txt a
reason (e.g. 486 busy here) would need to be understood in order to
support the diversion header. From the example and the ser
documentation, it appears as if there is no current method to detect
exactly which 4xx response was returned. Is my statement correct?
(Clipped from ser user's documentation)
Example 3-11. Forwarding to PBX/Voicemail via Cisco Gateways
# if we do not get a positive reply, continue at reply_route[2]
# forward the request to all destinations in destination set now
failure_route[2] {
# request failed (no reply, busy, whatever) ... forward it again
# to pbx's voicemail at phone number 6000 via Cisco gateway at
#; append proprietary CC-Diversion header field
# original request uri in it, so that the gateway and voicemail
# know, whom the request was originally intended for
append_urihf("CC-Diversion: ", "\r\n");
-----Original Message-----
Diversion header support
This example from administration guide may solve some of the problems
you are solving or at least you can use it as a programming pattern:
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