as far as I can see, the subst() you try should remove the Proxy-Auth hdr, right? why don't you use consume_credential() functions?
regards, bogdan
Federico Giannici wrote:
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
Hi Federico,
the usage of pseudo-variables inside the regexp was avoided due performance reasons - all regexp are compiled at startup, they being only evaluated on runtime. By having variables into regexp, the compilation of the expression will must be done each time at runtime :(.
What about to implement an "e" regular expressions modifier that make the regular expression be evaluated every time?
there is only one attempt in this direction - it might help you ; see the fm operator in avp_check : or
Humm... I cannot find a way to use it to implement the following. Do you?
subst( "/^Proxy-Authorization:.*realm="$avp(s:realm)".*\n//i" );