I know. It's asterisk. But natively it not support radius and is not B2BUA. So, it's my try to make b2bua from asterisk.
Why is asterisk no B2BUA? IMO asterisk is a B2BUA. It terminates incoming calls and creates new call on behave of the incoming call.
btw: there is already a prepaid solution for asterisk.
regards, klaus
It's patched asterisk and some AGI script for it. What it support? Full vovida's b2bua radius emulation, radius failover, LCR, Call failover, Codec based routing and much other things that can be useful. Sorry, but I did not made good patch to Asterisk (it's patched stable branch CVS). Works in production, servs near 20 concurent calls, but sure can serve more. Sorry, no documentation yet, and I had not enough time to make real easy installation, (maybe someone want's to do it? ;) )