Register globals is on, otherwise the loginscreen wouldn't work at all (you wouldn't get to the EULA) The cron job isn't producing any records either..
What i'm wondering about is how ag-project can garantee 100% reliable CDRs, if i put a call on hold and pull the plug the call will remain in the media proxy, since no party will be sending RTP, so there is no way to see if the call still is on hold or if the calling parties didn't issue a BYE message...
Kind regards,
E. Versaevel
Adrian Georgescu wrote:
Most probably your php.ini does not have global variables enable. Is advisable to read the INSTALL.txt in docs directory.
On Dec 30, 2004, at 4:21 PM, Erik Versaevel wrote:
I've downloaded the trial version, modified the file, fired up my webbrowser, logged in as admin and got a blank screen, even after trying to run the cron nomalize.php script. It seems that the cdrlib.php script stops the output/exits, i haven't been able to solve it (yet)
Adrian Georgescu wrote:
CDRTool guarantees 100% accurate accounting for call detail records generated by SIP Express Router in combination with MediaProxy regardless of the presence of BYE messages. This solution is available under commercial agreement.
Regards, Adrian
OK, i've run into a problem with the CDR Creation.
If you have 2 users who call each other, talk a while and then instead of hanging up decide to pull the plugs from their phones (or terminitate their application), no complete CDR is generated, the INVITE and ACK are logged, but since no one realy hangs up there won't be a BYE record, so no CDR end/total time and no billable time. Use the / a rtpproxy you would say, to bad it suffers from the same problem, if both partes put the call on hold and pull the plug the call keeps existing and once again an incomplete CDR.
Has anyone ever suffered the same problem? And what is the most reliable way to generate CDRs?
Kind regards,
E. Versaevel