Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
El Thursday 11 October 2007 15:05:41 Klaus Darilion escribió:
- it should be mentioned in the beginning of the AVPOPS module README.
I will contact with Ramona then as the author of the module doc.
The readme was updated.
Thanks, Ramona
This is not a good place to tell too much about AVP's.
I think a short note here would be useful too.
Done: http://www.openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/pseudovariables:devel#avps
- A "AVPs" section in the troubleshooting section on the wiki start
page could be added
Done: http://www.openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/troubleshooting:avp
Hope it's correct.