At 11:24 17/07/2007, Nils Ohlmeier wrote:
On Tuesday 17 July 2007 10:24:56 Jiri Kuthan wrote:
At 16:18 16/07/2007, Klaus Darilion wrote:
Martin Hoffmann wrote:
RFC 3261, section 16.11: | A stateless proxy MUST follow the request processing steps | described in Sections 16.4 through 16.5 with the following exception: | | o A stateless proxy MUST choose one and only one target from the | target set. This choice MUST only rely on fields in the | message and time-invariant properties of the server. In | particular, a retransmitted request MUST be forwarded to the | same destination each time it is processed. Furthermore, | CANCEL and non-Routed ACK requests MUST generate the same | choice as their associated INVITE.
That would mean that doing lookup() in a stateless proxy is practically not allowed.
That's indeed what Martin suggested. The spec is vague in this, the idea in it is that retransmissions don't get 'forked' if usrloc entry changes. That basically means there cannot be a statelss proxy unless it never changes its routing data :-) Sound a bit like an overstandardization to me. (I hope I don't offend those on mailing list, who consider RFC3261 too axiomatically.)
I assume the authors were not so much concerned about adding new bindings during a transaction, because I can not see any harm in sending an ACK or CANCEL to a new binding which hasn't received the INVITE. But if the binding for the original INVITE disappeared (expire, or was removed), then a non-2xx ACK could pontentially do not reach its target (which is not a big harm either, it just causes lots of retransmissions).
a true case indeed, still like the other not a BIG issue I think.
But if a CANCEL is not forwarded to its target that is not nice (allthough the UAC would have to send a BYE anyway if it would receive a late 200 for this INVITE, and a non-200 reply would result in retrnasmissions - see above).
how likely it is that a phone being rung up is suddenly re-registered at a different location?
perhaps we would be able to find even more cases, but without explicitely doing that I think they would be marginal and your conclusion is notwistanding the completeness of a marginal-error-catalogue holding right.
But I agree that this seems to be an overspecified scenario were I would tend to ignore the spec.
Just my 2 cents Nils
-- Jiri Kuthan