rtpproxy also works fine within this setup.
Try if you can reach the natted client from an client with public IP. If this is not possible, maybe the conteact in the location table is wrong. Do you use fix_nated_contact(); and natping from the nathelper module to keep the bindings in the NAT boxes alive?
Fábio Silvestri wrote:
I'm still in trouble with using SER & rtpproxy.
Everything works fine, just one only thing doesn't, if I'm registered with my ATA186 with nated ip ( I can dial and talk with everybody on PSTN, but if I try to dial for another ATA186 (behind a nat or maibe for the number configured on second port on ATA186, the call don't happen.
I think this maibe a problem with rtpproxy, maibe they can't control two sessions with behind nat; because if the second ATA186 has valid IP, everything works fine.