Hi Reda,
my pitfall was that the probing takes 30seconds until the gateway is active until startup. So if i test it right after kamctl restart the gateway was inactive.
Now i seems that my working multihomed config needs some help to fix nat for dispatching. For locatet user it works, for dispatching i run into nat-nightmare again (wrong Contact Header on private ip side and so one)....
Any hints?
# Main SIP request routing logic # - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route # - note: this is the same as route { ... } request_route { xlog("begin routing\n"); setflag(1); # log this msg
#acc: setflag(2); setflag(3); setflag(4);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Sanity Check Section # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # per request initial checks route(REQINIT);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Record Route Section # ----------------------------------------------------------------- if (method!="REGISTER") { record_route(); };
if (method=="BYE" || method=="CANCEL") { unforce_rtp_proxy(); xlog("L_DBG","BYE OR CANCEL. Dialog lifetime: $DLG_lifetime Status: $DLG_status\n"); if ($DLG_status==5) { route(6); } }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Loose Route Section # ----------------------------------------------------------------- if (loose_route()) { xlog("loose_route ***************\n"); if ((method=="INVITE" || method=="REFER") && !has_totag()) { sl_send_reply("403", "Forbidden"); return; };
if (method=="BYE" && $DLG_status==5) { xlog("L_DBG","BYE. Dialog lifetime: $DLG_lifetime Status: $DLG_status\n"); route(6); }
if (method=="INVITE") { route(5);
if (!proxy_authorize("$td","subscriber")) { proxy_challenge("$td","0"); return; } else if (!check_from()) { sl_send_reply("403", "Use From=ID"); return; };
consume_credentials(); setflag(6); force_rport(); fix_nated_contact();
if (dst_ip =={ rtpproxy_manage("fiewc",""); } else { rtpproxy_manage("feiwc",""); } }; route(1); return; };
if (method=="CANCEL") { xlog("L_DBG","CANCEL. Dialog lifetime: $DLG_lifetime Status: $DLG_status\n"); route(6); }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Call Type Processing Section # ----------------------------------------------------------------- xlog("call type processing\n"); if (uri!=myself) { route(4); route(1); return; };
if (method=="ACK") { route(1); return; } else if (method=="CANCEL") { route(1); return; } else if (method=="INVITE") { route(5); route(3); return; } else if (method=="REGISTER") { route(2); return; };
xlog("lookup aliases\n"); lookup("aliases"); if (uri!=myself) { route(4); route(1); return; };
xlog("!lookup location\n"); if (!lookup("location")) { sl_send_reply("404", "User Not Found"); return; };
route(1); }
route[1] {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Default Message Handler # -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (!t_relay()) { if (method=="INVITE" && isflagset(6)) { unforce_rtp_proxy(); }; sl_reply_error(); }; }
route[2] {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # REGISTER Message Handler # ----------------------------------------------------------------
setflag(6); fix_nated_register(); force_rport();
sl_send_reply("100", "Trying");
if (!www_authorize("$td","subscriber")) { www_challenge("$td","0"); return; };
if (!check_to()) { sl_send_reply("401", "Unauthorized"); return; };
consume_credentials(); if (!save("location")) { log(1,"Error :-(.\n"); sl_reply_error(); }; }
route[3] {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # INVITE Message Handler # ----------------------------------------------------------------- xlog("route-3\n"); setflag(6); lookup("aliases"); if (uri!=myself) { route(4); route(1); return; };
#!ifdef WITH_DISPATCHER if (!lookup("location")) { if(ds_select_domain("1", "4")) { xlog("DISPATCHER ds_select_dst\n"); route(4); #route(1); forward(); return; } } #!endif
if (!lookup("location")) { xlog("404 User not found\n"); sl_send_reply("404", "User Not Found"); return; };
route(4); route(1); }
route[4] {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # NAT Traversal Section # -----------------------------------------------------------------
force_rport(); fix_nated_contact(); if (dst_ip =={ xlog("INVITE 4 intern extern\n"); rtpproxy_manage("fiewc",""); } else { xlog("INVITE 4 extern intern\n"); rtpproxy_manage("feiwc",""); } }
route[5] {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Save here CDR Variables # ----------------------------------------------------------------
#save sourceIP $sht(a=>$ci::srcip) = $si; $sht(a=>$ci::fromdplname) = $fn; $sht(a=>$ci::touri) = $tu; $sht(a=>$ci::fromuri) = $fu; $sht(a=>$ci::useragent) = $ua; }
route[6] {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Write CDR via Perl and free previously CDR Variables # ----------------------------------------------------------------
#save variables from htable in AVPs, so we can access them from perl (without memory leak) $avp(s:4com_srcip)=$sht(a=>$ci::srcip); $avp(s:4com_fromdplname)=$sht(a=>$ci::fromdplname); $avp(s:4com_touri)=$sht(a=>$ci::touri); $avp(s:4com_fromuri)=$sht(a=>$ci::fromuri); $avp(s:4com_useragent)=$sht(a=>$ci::useragent); $avp(s:4com_invtrytime)=$sht(a=>$ci::invtrytime);
#write CDR perl_exec("write_cdr");
#free all variables saved in hashtable sht_rm_name_re("a=>$ci::.*"); }
onreply_route[1] {
rtpproxy_manage("fwc"); fix_nated_contact();
#if (is_gflag("0")) log(1,"-- 0 ist gesetzt.\n"); #if (is_gflag("1")) log(1,"-- 1 ist gesetzt.\n"); #if (is_gflag("2")) log(1,"-- 2 ist gesetzt.\n"); #if (is_gflag("3")) log(1,"-- 3 ist gesetzt.\n");
#if (is_gflag("1")) #{ # log(1,"Recording this Call\n"); # start_recording(); #} #else #{ # log(1,"NOT recording this Call\n"); #}
xlog("L_DBG", "-- Status: $rs METHOD $rm Reason $rr\n"); if ($rm=="INVITE") { xlog("L_DBG", "Method is INVITE\n"); if ($rs=~"1[0-9][0-9]") { xlog("L_DBG", "Status is in 100-class Trying\n"); $sht(a=>$ci::invtrytime) = $Ts; #perl_exec("got_invite_trying"); } else if ($rs=~"4[0-9][0-9]") { xlog("L_DBG", "Status is in 400-class - ClientErrors\n"); #xlog("L_DBG", "SI aus shared: $sht(a=>$ci::srcip)\n"); #perl_exec("write_cdr"); #sht_rm_name_re("a=>$ci::.*"); route(6); } } }
#### # Per SIP request initial checks route[REQINIT] { #!ifdef WITH_ANTIFLOOD # flood dection from same IP and traffic ban for a while # be sure you exclude checking trusted peers, such as pstn gateways # - local host excluded (e.g., loop to self) if(src_ip!=myself) { if($sht(ipban=>$si)!=$null) { # ip is already blocked xdbg("request from blocked IP - $rm from $fu (IP:$si:$sp)\n"); exit; } if (!pike_check_req()) { xlog("L_ALERT","ALERT: pike blocking $rm from $fu (IP:$si:$sp)\n"); $sht(ipban=>$si) = 1; exit; } } #!endif
if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) { sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops"); exit; }
if(!sanity_check("1511", "7")) { xlog("Malformed SIP message from $si:$sp\n"); exit; } }