can you put some xlog messages with the uri after ds_select_domain() execution? Do several tests to see what destination address is selected.
Also, put here the content of the records for the dispatcher groups in use.
Cheers, Daniel
On 5/11/11 11:12 AM, alex pappas wrote:
Dear all,
I'm trying to create a service which when a call reach Kamailio, this call get's a number of gateways in round robin mode and from them I create uri and append_branches.
The all scenario works fine except that I don't get from Dispatcher the round robin mode. Is is the way I ask Dispatcher and i don't get the results I need. In other scenarios Dispatcher works fine. The other thing is that I tried the random alg of Dispatcher and that works. I'm trying to understand what I'm doing wrong and why random alg works but round robin not.
I'm attaching my code if anyone has an idea of what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you Alex
*Scenario description:*
Call enter --> Dialplan (Here if has a match get the attributes which is a list of dispatcher gw group in the form of 100.101.#)
--> Dispatcher (For every dispatcher gw
group appnd the branch)
--> Redirect the call*
route[TEST] {
if(dp_translate("$avp(s:lcr_id)", "$rU/$rU")) { $var(i) = 0; while($(var(dpattrs){s.select,$var(i),.})!="#") *#attr example is gw group of disptcher in order 100.101.# or in my scenario is 200.# which in Dispatcher is 2 gw* * and* { $avp(s:disp_dstgrp) = $(var(dpattrs){s.select,$var(i),.}{s.int http://s.int}); if(ds_select_domain("$avp(s:disp_dstgrp)", "4")) {
append_branch(); revert_uri(); $avp(s:disp_dstgrp) = "null"; } $var(i) = $var(i) + 1; # for the while loop } ####################### REDIRECTION
##################### sl_send_reply("300", "Multiple Choice");
######################################################### exit; } else { xlog(" ----- No routing found for this call -----"); } }
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