On Mar 31, 2004 at 14:37, jimmy huang jimmy_huang@uni.com.tw wrote:
I would like to try use the module nathelper with rtpproxy to test when INVITE , voice (rtp) can pass nat and firewall, just like (http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~prelle/terena/cookbook/main/ch04s07.htm... SIP Express Router mentioned), but ser crashes after receive REGISTER but after REGISTER , ser crashe...
For the record: unstable nathelper was used with the first stable release. This combination does not work (due to a minor change in the data_lump api). nathelper from unstable might be used (and it works), but with the latest stable (0.8.12-tcp_nonb) from the cvs stable branch (rel_0_8_12). Andrei